Money. Lots and lots of money.
Because the campaign to prioritize money over morals by the capitalists won the war 30 years ago.
Money. Lots and lots of money.
Because the campaign to prioritize money over morals by the capitalists won the war 30 years ago.
It probably already is. AICore is a service thats been getting snuck on the andoids for a couple of months, ever since AndroidSystemSafety was push on silently, which is effectively like recall and scans all your photos and files in the background.
Studio fan death by 1000 papercuts.
This is where I’ve gotten to with their games as well. I love them, but tired of it basically becoming an MMORPG DLC subscription.
Most of the game genres they excel at are the type I like buying and playing because they are complete from day one, and you maybe get 1 to 3 DLCs. Like movies, the trilogy (original game and two nice DLCs) is the sweet spot.
Stellaris got insane and most of the individual races should have been bundled somehow into larger expansion packs.
Never mind, youtube faked me out. Looks like the new one will require a proxy
I keep reading this as Marijuana chip.
Was Canadian, its owned by a Japanese company since 2010
OCRemix.Org already does this with their music, so its possible.
In my experience, the same fake albums show up on Deezer as Spotify. Frankly, I think the best way is Bandcamp. For for an album, download it forever. Stop paying to listen to the same music over and over and get DRM free tracks you can listen to your way while giving the money to the artists selling their albums directly.
Its supposed to be illegal for banks to be in “sales” but my wife was working for BMO and they were forcing her to prioritize outbound cold calls ans upselling products the customer didnt need and would clearly be bad for their financials as a Personal Banking Assistant. The conflict of interest was so great it stressed her right the fuck out and she had to take leave and start therapy. Her MS also spiked likely due to the stress levels. She was there to help people, and she made the bank earn loyal customers and they willing got more products from the bank because she helped them. She was the top performer at the bank if she just let her do the job she was there to do, but instead her boss started ragging on her daily about her cold calling numbers and forcing her to cancel necessary appointments and focus time to deal with customer requests and instead prioritize sales.
In the end her numbers dropped, her customer satisfaction dropped, and her MS got worse from the stress and she’s now on long term leave, uncertain if she’ll recover her focus and able to go back to work. Her neurologist has said she cannot go back for now.
Not sure how that bullshit helped the bank, but I can sure see how I didn’t, and I may be wrong but I think there are laws against it.
Also worth noting that this change in tactics happened right at the same time BMO took all their “we’re here to help” signage down. Brings so many memories of Google dropping the “don’t be evil”. Everything that came after in both cases was shit.
EDIT: Oh looks like CBC did an article on this now because it is so prolific. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/banks-upselling-go-public-1.4023575
Now you’ve got me wondering about this for Canada. Would be a pita to move mortgage and investments, but there must be a better way than the big banks.
The problem for me is that most Canadian Banks give you the choice of SMS or their shitty adware filled bank app that relies on Google Play Services and wont implement TOTP so I can use a true MFA app. And Im done with being forced to accept user policies I don’t agree with to do shit, and most of all done with Google Play Services on my device 😑
So which did the cat replace, the kid or the fish? Alexander eating Spot au Gratin?
This bugged me but then again
30 / 3 = 10 21 / 3 = 7
7+10 = 17
So yeah that makes perfect sense.
Twitter was a problem before Musk bought it, and Bluesky is the same problem in a different package.
The social players all moved over to FFXIV
This. Throwing your trash on the ground because you can’t find a trash can amounts to childish entitlement in my eyes.
No trash cans in the forest, is OP saying they just litter all through nature when they go camping?
And with inflation, I can’t afford to tip. If I to go to a bar I budget for it, but these minimum tip barriers preventing me from tipping without breaking the bank lead to me saying no tip if they wont allow me to customize it.
That said I go to a bar once a year now because of the cost. I mostly hit this BS on the rare occasion I need to drive my wife to a doctors appointment and I stop at Starbucks or the closest coffee shop and get a brewed coffee. They take thirty seconds to pour a cup and pass it to me and then expect a 25% tip. Meanwhile their CEO flies his personal jet to work everyday.
I tip at bars because servers are providing an experience. But even then, if i cant get the persons attention for half the night, and they are just on their cellphone talking to the bartender… no tip. I worked in bars. I watch. I reward good service. I wont reward half-assery.
Maybe they were smoking too much Majorana.