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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2024


  • You’re correct. I think the real obstacle PC gaming has to overcome for the average consumer is the basic knowledge requirement - I built the PC I currently use and game on and yet I find the numbering schemes for processors and graphics cards insanely confusing, have no idea what goes together and what doesn’t, what’s a good deal and what’s overpriced, etc. But while I was willing to put in the research when I built my current computer, I can totally understand someone else who wants something that they can just turn on and it works.

    Prebuilts don’t really solve this problem either. The average consumer will see something like the “MSI Glaive-Guisarm 2077 Fortnite Edition” and I have no idea if that’s better than or worse than or about the same as a PS5.

  • If you think about it from an evolutionary standpoint it’s perfectly logical.

    This hasn’t actually been borne out in science. As a general rule, less complex human societies tended to be more willing to cooperate with outsiders. They shared hunting grounds, traded clan members, came together for more complex endeavors, and so on. It isn’t until the advent of agriculture, when people became attached to plots of land and felt the need to defend them from others, that we see these default attitudes start to shift - and racism as we understand it today is a thoroughly modern phenomenon, with no antecedent prior to the 17th century.

  • Yes, but as a specific exercise, the US government wants to spy on US citizens because if gives them the power to arrest you. You could be committing crimes right now and not realize it, but if you ever become a person of interest they will use them against you.

    Of what use is specific data from specific nationals to a foreign government? They don’t have anywhere near the same level of power over your life as your home government does, unless you’re a defense contractor or a government official or something, all of that information is just fluff to them.

    And not for nothing, but the original conversation was about Discord, which is partially owned by Tencent but partial ownership by a private Chinese firm does not give the Chinese government any kind of special control over the platform.

  • SSJMarx@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    13 days ago

    The whole IP paradigm needs to change. I can accept the logic that IP needs to exist in the first place so that people who invent something can get paid (at least in our current system) - but the term should be shortened to something like five years, or if it’s going to be longer there needs to be a list of events that immediately invalidate it, including the product no longer being legally available. IP shouldn’t be able to be traded between companies like a commodity, and it shouldn’t be able to be locked up to prevent it from going into the public domain.

  • SSJMarx@lemm.eetoTechnology@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    13 days ago

    The days of modular components in cars is nearing an end.

    It’s a shame, because with EVs especially modular everything should be a whole lot easier than ever before. I guess it took a decade and a half for governments to force smartphones to be able to be jailbroken or use the same messaging protocol, hopefully we see a similar evolution on EVs where these locked down features get forced onto common standards.

  • SSJMarx@lemm.eetoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksCulture shock
    13 days ago

    Overall I think that sentencing needs to come way, way down. Like if the crime you committed was non-violent, I don’t even think prison should be on the table. Locking someone up should be considered the nuclear option that is only employed when the rest of the community is at risk, such as for a sexual predator.

  • I remember a story of someone adding plastic noodles to their cheap noodle packs. I also thought that there was no way in hell they were saving money by doing that - the only way it makes sense is if the market is growing faster than production, so there’s a “demand” for totally fake product, which I suppose has been true of most of China for the last fifty years. It’s why the current government makes anti-corruption into such a big deal.

  • SSJMarx@lemm.eetoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksCulture shock
    13 days ago

    Similar thing happened with pork in California, ultimately we kept the new rule (which is nowhere near enough but its something) but only after enduring an entire year of whinging from the pork industry and astroturfed “news articles” about how expensive bacon was going to be.

    Now it’s eight months since the rule came into effect and wouldn’t you know it the pork industry hasn’t collapsed.

  • SSJMarx@lemm.eetoPeople Twitter@sh.itjust.worksThere has to be another way
    19 days ago

    I’ve also never, ever felt endorphins or wanted to exercise - this despite being verifiably “in shape” for at least five years of my life and running half marathons during that time. I always just suffered through it because it was part of my job. Oh, occasionally I would find something fun, like when I went to a boxing or BJJ gym, but the fun never lasted more than a week before it just became like anything else.

    Though I do want to see my dog happy, and that motivates me to get walking twice a day these days 👍

  • Plus it’s not like he’s literally done nothing for thirteen years. He did Fire and Blood, wrote for TV, did a bunch of companion books, edited and produced stuff, and so on.

    It would be nice if Winds didn’t seemingly get put on the backburner, but creators really can’t control their inspiration. George has as many stories to tell as hes always had, but for whatever reason he’s having trouble coming back to finish the story he started almost thirty years ago, and TBH I get it.