I need a translation
Edit: never mind it’s just spam
I need a translation
Edit: never mind it’s just spam
How did you do the Spotify colors?
Also the logout menu looks sick. Where is it from?
I just have none at all
However i have a recovery phone number and gave them my payment information so theres that
LFS is torture then
How? Installing the right tools and changing configuration files wich are typically (but not always) located under /home/[your user]/.config/[application]
For example neofetch config is located at ~/.config/neofetch/config But i think that’s not the default config. An example config would be typically (but again not always) located at /usr/share/[application)
So what you would do is
cp -r /usr/share/neofetch ~/.config
vim ~/.config/neofetch/config
And edit the file however you want. Syntax is rarely the same between apps so prepare documentation if you do more than just change values
(Replace vim with you editor of choice)
You see the thing about kde they nailed their motto “simple by default, powerful when needed” the thing is the path from simple to powerful is an obscure one
Holup is there a WhatsApp for non android? If so where do i find it? because then it would actually be possible for me to use as i need WhatsApp for work.
YOU need tabbed Terminals and splits for “real” work. That doesnt mean everyone does. I worked a year or so without all that. Workflow is a matter of preference.