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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Just Incase it could make you reconsider, the game is disturbing in a myriad of ways, basically designed to touch deeply any person who engaged with it. It should be thought of less as a game ment to be enjoyable and more like art that you “should” experience. Though I understand it isn’t for everyone. Hell, vast majority of people who think it is for them dont finish the first day of the game. But there is a message in that game worth seeing. Either way, I had to try one more time. I respect your decision either way.

  • I play both overwatch and counter strike. While overwatch does a great job of making sure I don’t see slurs most of the time, the community is toxic af. I can’t go a single game without someone saying “tank diff, DPS diff, support diff” and whatever else directed insult they got.

    Counterstrike on the other hand, surprisingly wholesome. Many games players will say good try after you fail and be pretty supportive. Sometimes you get assholes who just say slurs cause they can of course but that’s like, once or twice a month. Overwatch is literally every god damn match minus the slur part.

  • Man. I’ve been staring at this box trying to find the words for why you should play Pathologic 2. It’s hard, especially without spoiling anything. It is a game about a surgeon named artemy burakh who is tasked by fate to save a town from a plague. It is as if Russian Literature grew legs and used them to kick you in the dick. It is emotionaly a lot. It is skillfully a lot. It is mentally a lot and you are on a time limit and it is not fair. But it has a message for you. There is a beauty to that message and if I could I would force every person on this planet to experience it.

    But you will have to bleed for it. Please play it.

  • I love the concept but honestly I can’t solve shit. I even got a side mission once to take a picture of a vague description of a person who lived on the 4th floor of an apartment. Thankfully there was only one apartment on that floor. Unfortunately there were two people who lived there. And neither matches any of the descriptors.

    And that’s the side jobs. Murder? Forget about it, I got no clue.

    Any idea where I could learn?

  • That’s a lot of words to say they deserve it. And to throw in India and Pakistans independence as being a failing on them and not on the British for creating the situation in the first place is a prime example that your ability to understand a situation stops where the blame most best rests in your favor. You cannot see the colonial and imperialist forces that set up these situations, only so focused on the sins of the people subjected to them. Because by doing so you remove blame from those colonial forces. If you pretend Israel always existed, then fighting Hamas is self defence. If you instead view isreal as a colony that displaced natives then suddenly it is the palastinians who are in self defense.

    Notice how I never talked about Hamas and their goals? I simply said a group like Hamas is inevitable in this situation, and removing them will just spawn another. Hamas and their actions and states goals are not important because they have no power, no ability to achieve them. They are a people’s desperate gasp, a violent slash of anger from a cornered and oppressed people. But you are so fucking focused on their anger to trigger your “at any cost self defence” that you completely skip the fact it is them who are defending themselves.

    In short. You can go fuck yourself and your lack of humanity and inability to humanize. If I had one wish in this world, it would be that you were born in Gaza, with all the knowledge and positions you have now and could truly experience an exact copy of yourself in the position you are in now. I feel you would have a different perspective if you was the 12 year old starving under the rubble. But considering your violent nature, I feel you would only end up with Hamas. An irony most sad.

  • When the problem is that Hamas only exists in the context of isreal’s genocide of the palastinian people, yeah. Calling for their defeat is calling for a continuation of that genocide dumbass. Maybe if you hopped off your murder train for 5 seconds to consider the history of why a terrorist group like Hamas exists in the first place you might have a human thought on the matter. But that requires empathy. Empathy for a people who have been murdered, displaced, and put behind a wall. Empathy for a people you have been told your whole life are brainless, heartless, brown terrorists with no goal but the elimination of Jewish folk instead of what they really are. People. People who have been abused by a colonist state for 80 years, fighting back against that state in the only way they can anymore.

    Hamas shouldn’t exist, but Israel made the conditions where a group like Hamas will exist. And as long as the palastinians continue to exist and exist under apartheid, then Hamas or similar groups will continue to exist. This leaves you with 2 options. A. Give them their God damn land back and let them have their own independent state. B. Genocide.

    Calling for anything other than option A is to call for genocide. Even if you don’t see it that way, that’s the reality of these situations. There’s history to show this, it isn’t the first apartheid state in existence. It isn’t the first ever genocide. We know how this goes. And history will remember it as such.