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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Yeah it’s just being angry about the fact that the Earth is rotating ball. Wanting to abolish timezones is different from Flat Earth only be degrees.

    Sure the “what time is it there?” question goes away, but it’s replaced by “what are your business hours?”

    Ultimately it will be daytime in one part of the world while it’s night in another part of the world. That will always cause problems.

  • This is actually the best approach.

    Obviously they are getting timezone information otherwise the app could only display whatever time the user entered in.

    If you want to sort things by the actual time, it’s simple and performant if all of the times are in the same timezone, and UTC would be the standard one to use. Pushing the timezone calculations to the client makes sense because the UTC time is correct, it’s just a matter of displaying it in a user friendly way, ie. show the time in the user’s timezone.

  • Yeah I think a story about an arms buildup and a defense industrial complex just doesn’t work well in a movie. In real life it’s about subtle influences on politics not “pew pew pew”, there’s not even any opportunities for passionate speeches. Just “maybe it’s bad to put so many resources towards building warships and once you have them you might be tempted to use them to justify the expenditure… someday.” In the real world it’s a trend over time, so how do you make a compelling story about that? If you deviate too much to make it more interesting it’s not accurate to the real world, and then it’s more like a fictional problem.

  • Star Trek VI is the best Trek movie by far. I mean Trek is always best in an episodic TV format so the movies generally don’t have a reason to exist. But VI was needed to give a send off to the original cast. And it gives some commentary on the cold war which was relevant at the time and fit into Trek canon since TNG was a thing by then so we knew the Klingons and Federation made peace.

    And yeah it had a lot of details in there. I always loved the universal translator constantly screwing up… Shakespeare in the original Klingon, old Vulcan proverbs about Nixon. The antigrav failing on the Klingon ship, and yeah ships not just behaving like ships floating in water. It nailed everything.

  • Yeah antisemites have used a lot of hairsplitting and labelled a subset of Jews to be bad in the past too. Google “Cosmopolitan Jew”. If you rationalize a way acceptable to hate a subset of of Jews, you make it more likely people will look the other way on hatred of all Jews.

    In the past the Nazis made people feel it wasn’t really antisemitism to hate only the Cosmopolitan Jews and those people looked the other way when they attacked Jewish businesses and synagogues. Their ultimate goal was to eliminate all Jews in Europe.

    Right now your being told it’s not antisemitism if you only hate only the Zionist Jews and you’re looking the other way when Jewish businesses and synagogues are being attacked. The propaganda you’re reading is coming from people whose goal is to eliminate all Jews in the Middle East.

    You’re just rationalizing how Israel is the fascist to avoid facing the nature of the movement you’re a part of.

    What do you think it would be like to be part of a fascist movement? Being angry all the time? Being given a target for your hatred? Supporting an antidemocratic, misogynistic, homophobic regime? Being told a democracy is tyrannical? Being told the media is being controlled by… well… you know? Marching alongside people that want genocide?

    What would tip you off that you’re part of a fascist movement? I guess as long as they keep you angry, you don’t have time to think about it.

  • Is being a Jew an ethnicity, or is it a religion? Is Sammy Davis Jr. the same ethnicity as Jerry Seinfeld?

    The reason there needs to be a Jewish state is because of antisemitism. Personally I doubted the necessity of a Jewish state. Then October 7 happened and the spike of antisemitism in the West that followed it.

    I’m not the reason there needs to be a Jewish state. The hatred you feel towards Jews is the reason there needs to be a Jewish state.

    But go on spouting your vitriol. The only thing you’re accomplishing is proving the necessity of the existence of Israel.

  • Yeah the Klingons changed over time, but once you they have a Klingon in the regular cast it’s kinda set at that point.

    Worf is THE Klingon now. All other Klingons will be compared to Worf from here on out. Sure there can still be some variance, but if they stray too far off from Worf, they’re asking people to choose which is the real Klingon: Worf or whatever they’re putting up on the screen now. The answer will always be Worf is the real Klingon, and the new version is not a real Klingon.

    It’s just how it is, and it’s really insane they tried to stray from Worf too much under the excuse that Klingons were changed previously. Yeah they were changed previous to a Klingon being a regular cast member on two popular Trek series.

  • Yeah Into Darkness was just a bad concept all around. Just a bad idea to remake a good movie in general. And then Star Trek II revolved around a villain from Kirk’s past coming back for revenge. Kirk and Khan never met before in the Kelvin timeline, so there really isn’t anything there. It was destined to be a a half-assed remake at the concept stage, and they should’ve scrapped it and done pretty much anything else as soon as someone suggested bringing back Khan.

    Still it’s not the worst Trek movie.

  • Android slaves in Picard conflicts with TNG canon.

    Yeah I hear ya on that. When you think about it, Picard S1 is the exact opposite of Measure of a Man. In Measure of a Man they start by thinking it’s ok to disassemble Data against his will because he’s a machine. But then there’s a debate about whether he’s sentient. It ends with Picard saying that since debatable that he’s sentient there is no debate about whether or not to disassemble data because if they do that if there’s even a possibility Data is sentient, they risk being horrible racist monsters and eventually creating a slave race.

    Picard S1 starts with the Federation already creating a slave race AND disassembling the androids. And it’s not that they’re assuming they’re just machines, they are overtly racist against the androids. So much so when the androids malfunction they don’t even consider the possibility that it’s a malfunction (run a level 5 diagnostic or whatever), they go straight to hating androids.

    I get they were trying to do an anti-racist message (which it’s Star Trek, that’s what they should do) but by doing Measure of a Man backwards they didn’t accomplish anything. Because it’s later revealed the androids were indeed just malfunctioning machines. So the Federation was being racist against malfunctioning machines? What is anyone supposed to learn from this message? If your computer doesn’t work right, don’t be racist against computers… run a virus scan instead.

    TNG: Android is a machine -> maybe he’s sentient? -> disassembly might be racist? -> disassembly: NOPE!

    Picard S1: Android are people -> people that the Federation is racist against -> no wait, they’re actually malfunctioning machines -> ???

    By doing it backwards they watered down the anti-racist message so much it’s non-existent.