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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Seaquest dsv is what they want. They changed it to seaquest 2023 for the last season, but I’d skip that anyway, I rewatched it a couple of years ago and that season is just straight garbage. Big changes to the cast, apparently the cast and the producers etc were constantly bickering, and boy does it show. Easy to see why it got canned before the season had even ended.

  • I am a terrible watcher of wrestling. I’ll watch a show, then not watch one for two years. But I caught his SummerSlam match, and the kid can go. Like, he had all the fundamentals down. The whole going slow that takes forever for wreztlers to learn. He can sell moves with the best of em. His moves were super crisp. Calling the next sequence etc. Do I think he’s way overpaid? Yes. Do I hate that some internet guy is being made famous when they squander literal Olympic level wrestlers? Yes. But, I mean, he’s putting out good matches…

    And yeah, I’ve never really followed him, so this was always his “redemption” to me. If he’s still doing the horseshit I have heard him and Jake do well… But I wanna hope!

  • 5,000 disposable items usually fit in a box. Wanna guess how big that autoclave you’d need would be? Cos there ain’t many pieces of medical equipment that you’re gonna get away with just chucking it in a bucket of cleaner for 15mins. Cos, ya know, the chance of a patient dying due to equipment that is dirty is pretty fucking high in most permanent hospitals, let alone in a literal jungle. So, yeah, you’re gonna need more than a bucket and a bottle of bleach.

    Also, battlefield hospitals are generally well supplied. They might miss a shipment or two, but generally most will arrive. I mean, you have issues when a literal city is being besieged, but otherwise? They’ll be fine. Can’t really run an army without shit to patch up the inevitable bullet holes. Plus the patients need food and water too. All shit that ensures the mitary keeps their field hospitals as well supplied as they can.