This and surroundead are two of my favorite zombie games.
This and surroundead are two of my favorite zombie games.
The same team(dev) is also building fallout together for fallout 4
Console coop is tough, if you ever get into PC gaming. There is a lot more coop games available, even Skyrim has a coop mod, which works pretty well now.
I’m one of those that will check if a game is coop first before anything else. Games are just better with friends.
Edit and you’re absolutely right, even a shit buggy game can have us rolling in laughter for hours.
I’m betting the majority of us older gamers enjoy coop games with friends more than anything.
That’s insane for how many bugs it has. What are they spending this money on? It’s clearly not development time
Wait is that really how blurry it is in game? That would make me sick trying to play a game like I was nearsighted constantly.
Well Peanut Hamper is a stupid name!
Lol @ fantasy numbers…only a tankie would think that.
Yea we have problems, but acting like china is better is hilariously wrong.
No…just no. China’s prison population is not counted correctly, just from their forced reeducation camps, its estimated they have 1-2 million people in them. The usa has around 1.2 million in prison. So no china does not have less prisoners. I don’t know where this bullshit lie showed up but it’s been repeated way to long.
Does the USA have a problem with incarcerating people for non-violent offenses, hell yes, but that’s a whole different argument.
That’s true, I forget that goty stuff is based off the critics vs the players.
The first one has a huge following, metacritic is terrible for some games. Look at the steam reviews.
And damn you’re right, I guess they pushed it back. I thought it was coming out this year.
And they didn’t even list KC:D2
Gedonia 1 was never finished lol yea… I’m gonna pass if this is what this dev is like.
Oh, that’s a little bright
Have you thought about putting in a scheduling system? Like being able to queue up a bunch of stuff to do? Then the game telling you the # of steps required and then you can go on about your day?
What’s the logic behind saved steps? I figured I could use them whenever like they’re banked, but it seems I have to walk and then they are spent. So if I forget to periodically get my character to do something, then they build up but might max out and then I’m not able to use them until I’m walking again. Is this by design or am I bugged?
It goes on sale pretty regularly, and the dev is super active over at the subreddit, and will answer questions anyone has almost daily. %100 worth the pickup.