This is an even better punchline than the original meme. Lol
Should have taken a lesson from captain Kirk and his beloved mountain.
And he was never heard from again.
People were predicting this a while back as a way that reddit would make themselves more “advertiser-friendly”.
I also wonder if there were some legal concerns in those states that now require porn sites to check IDs.
I have this old edit too, but I like yours better.
Gotta be either “non weight bearing” or someone’s initials who’s rounding on the patient.
Yes, do y’all not call it that?
I’m sure he’s very proud that you became an engineer though!
I think you’re absolutely right. When these studios go public and start having pressure from shareholders, it starts the gradual decline in quality.
Butter flattens car.
I was just thinking about how when this episode aired, it was only 20ish years after WW2 ended.
This was recent history to everyone, and they were already making social commentary about it here, as well as the episode where they go to the literal Nazi planet.
9/11 is further in the past for us than WW2 was for them.
Goodwill with your playerbase doesn’t show up on a quarterly report, but without it your company is sunk.
It’s incredible that a company with the resources of Ubisoft couldn’t figure that out, even with people shouting it at them daily.
This makes me feel like there will be a large group of retro gamers who will prefer the artisan, human-made games of the past, but ultimately a younger gen audience that won’t know the difference or care.
In the case of drugs, people usually refer to someone being “one shotted” when they experience long term or permanent changes because they took too much, the wrong drug, or just weren’t psychologically ready for it.
Just tried to look it up. So e/acc is basically AI bros?
Ha, it’s just a continuation of the pet food joke. Common advice to pet owners is to check the first ingredient in their pet’s food to make sure it’s what is being advertised and not mostly filler.