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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • I was in IT back in 2001 when the Code Red virus hit. It was a very similar situation where entire enterprises in totally unrelated fields were brought down. So many infected machines were still trying to replicate that corporate networks and Internet backbone routers were getting absolutely crushed.

    Prior to that, trying to get real funding for securing networks was almost impossible. Suddenly security was the hottest topic in IT and corporations were throwing money at all the snake oil Silicon Valley could produce.

    That lasted for a couple years, then things started going back to business as usual. Microsoft in particular was making all sorts of promises and boasts about how they made security their top priority, but that never really happened. Security remained something slapped on at the end of product development and was never allowed to interfere with producing products demanded by marketing with inherently insecure designs.

  • How would I know? The point is that the best thing he can do with his position in the Senate is to look forward. He’s not the type to pursue his individual interests at the expense of the cause.

    This is something a lot of my compatriots on the left don’t seem to get. Good activists don’t make good politicians, and good politicians don’t make good activists. We need both. Bernie is a politician, and I’m not.

    I actually have moved on in a lot of ways, except that I want us to learn from past mistakes so we don’t repeat them. I want every person in America to understand how the establishment (of both parties) manipulates the national conversation so we quit falling for the same bullshit.

  • Bernie was fucked by the establishment stranglehold over mainstream media, inherent flaws in the primary system, and some truly underhanded tactics. There has been no good evidence of any kind of tampering with the votes.

    Bernie has always been a pragmatist. The progressive movement has nothing to gain by him obsessing over sour grapes. Contrast that with Hillary who will live the rest of her life locked into the day she lost.

  • You’re a clown and I’m treating you like one. I don’t actually think the US will abandon Israel, and my actual claim was that support was cracking. We’ll keep supporting Israel in a general way, but it won’t be the unconditional kowtowing Israel has become used to.

    I never said that Israel doesn’t provide anything, but tech moves way too fast for any country to be irreplaceable. Israel simply doesn’t have enough population to maintain it’s edge without US backing. There is nothing that Israel does that can’t be done elsewhere.

    No country has to exist or has a right to exist. People have a right to exist. Ethno States are a bad idea, and Israel shows exactly why.

  • I didn’t claim you can’t prove your claims, I just said your claims are bullshit. The truth is easy to find, so I leave that to those that are interested.

    There is nothing worthwhile being done by Israeli companies that can’t be done elsewhere. We’re the US to abandon Israel, there would be a bit of pain in the transition, but it wouldn’t last long. In my long infosec career, I found Israeli tech companies to be far better at marketing than providing solid technology.

    So I’m apparently antisemitic now? I guess I should be shocked and hurt by that accusation, except that Zionist apologists have made it into a bad joke. The hilarious thing is that it’s the antisemitics in the US backing Israel, and the majority of American Jews are supporting a ceasefire. The Evangelicals need the Jews to take back all of Israel then die in fire so Jesus can come back. That’s your base of “support” in the US. That and the politicians bribed by AIPAC.