Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I went to a celtic festival earlier today and there was a (male presenting) person in a dress you would expect to see on a docudrama about Jack the Ripper.

    Inside this lady of the evening dress was the hariest person I have ever seen in a dress. Take that dark dense patch in the center of rikers chest, put that all over the exposed breast area, the upper back, arms, huge beard, very dense hairy legs. And all of it fiery orange.

    That might be approaching “too much” territory, but I gotta say, what we have seen on star trek so far has been alopecia by comparison.

  • My favorite part is all the inside jokes they pack in as well. You don’t really get all of them as a viewer, but I’ve watched every episode with commentary, and a lot of interviews with a lot of the directors, producers, prop/costume/sfx people.

    Nothing beats the “special effects coordinator” guy screaming BIGGER at everyone after they show him progressively larger explosive effects.

  • I love that every Sci fi show eventually does the “out of phase” episode, and I love seeing the fun twists and flavorings they use to make it “their” version.

    Like Stargate sg1 and their crystal skull radiation and advanced dimension-shifting technology episodes.

    And my personal favorite lampshading for this is actually from Stargate. in the in-universe parody show “Wormhole X-treme” one of the main character parodies asks “if I’m out of phase, why don’t I fall through the floor?” and the response from the writer/director/producer/whatever he was, was something along the lines of “I’ll have to get back to you on that”

  • It’s still garbage, but you’re 100% correct about it being 1000x worse logged out, at least it’s like that for me.

    I started getting a shitload of recommended videos based off an app I played for 5 minutes and deleted.

    I never looked it up on youtube or google, and I didn’t even search for it in the play store, I just saw it listed as similar to a different game that I did look up.

    And after a week of constantly telling them to stop recommending me these videos because I don’t like them, I’m still seeing them.

    Again, played the app for a few minutes and deleted, have now spent more time telling youtube to stop showing it to me than I spent playing.

  • I’m completely biased when recommending this show to people, I re-watch it at least once a year. Sometimes I take a few years off, but I’m in the middle of a rewatch now.

    I watched it when it first ran, I was too young to really care about it in the first few seasons (good thing too since I might have lost interest) but by the time season 10 rolled out I was graduating and wanted the dvd set as a graduation present (which I never got)

    If you’re looking for some kind of “deep” meaning in a show, or overarching message (beyond general team-work and helping each other gets the job done for everyone type stuff) in a show, I don’t personally think there is one, and would disappoint someone who wants one.

    I like to think everything they talk about is pretty relevant even today. Politically they’re fairly neutral for US politics, though keep in mind it’s a show about a military team in a military base doing military things, so everything is pretty often making the military look good, or "just get rid of this damn red tape " on a few occasions, but they do a pretty good job of showing how absolutely wrong the military and government are, to the point where in real life the characters would all have been courtmartialled for disobeying idiotic military protocols and bad orders.

    Daniel in particular can get preachy about doing the right thing no matter what, and O’Neill basically tells him " stop being so preachy" on a few occasions.

    The pacing of the show picks up as the seasons go on, and it gets more action-filled in the latter half. They also start mixing a lot of philosophy type stuff in here and there. Less so on the later seasons.

    Mild generalized plot ahead:

    Season 5 is where they really start leaning toward continuing stories from earlier episodes. Also introduces a villain that will play major parts in seasons 6-8. One of the final episodes is a gut punch that introduces a new recurring character.

    Season 6 introduces a villain that will start out small but eventually become galaxy-threatening, and continues into one of the post-series movies. Also expands on the second Stargate from Antarctica and how that got to be there.

    Season 7 introduces an Ancient outpost, which leads them to what they need to get to Atlantis. Also Richard Dean Andersons less frequent appearance on the show.

    Season 8 reintroduces the replicators as bad guys, and this time they’re not all blocky and insectoid. Also surprise return of a once-vanquished enemy. Actually like… 2 or 3 now that I think of it.

    Season 9 introduces a new team leader (Ben browder, aka Chrichton from Farscape) and Claudia black (aeryn sun) is a recurring character that eventually becomes a full time member of the team. New villains introduced and shit hits the fan pretty quickly.

    Season 10 is a futuristic holy crusade from evil energy aliens using humans to do their dirty work and subjugate another galaxy. A couple old villains pop up here and there but are usually smaller episode arcs or bottle episodes.

    The show got canceled and the story never finished in the show run, but they had a few movies to try and wrap up the remaining plots that were supposed to take place over 1-3 more seasons.

    If you want a good episode to start with, try season 4 episode 6 “window of opportunity”. It’s a Groundhog Day episode that has some pretty great comedic bits as well as, I think, a pretty good representation of sg1 as a whole. It’s got a little of everything.

    If you want to skip to more modern style of TV that still feels early 00s, season 6 is a good place to start, but I’d recommend reading plot summaries for most of the earlier episodes if you do that. It’s time consuming but you won’t be lost.

    If all that sounds unappealing… We’ll then I guess it’s not for you, but still give s4e06 a try just for gits and shiggles.

  • Universe is a very different show.

    It’s slower paced, it feels a little bit like they were trying to cash in on the “mysterious things happen” and “long continuous story that if you miss one or two episodes you might be completely Lost”, pun intended since it feels like that’s the energy they were going for, from Lost.

    Personally, I liked it. It’s slower paced than Atlantis was, less action packed, and heavily focuses on character drama.

    And also leaves a massive fucking cliffhanger to end the series, from my understanding. I haven’t finished it because I knew they canceled it without finishing the story.

    I love Eureka, but poor decisions were made regarding the sg-1/eureka “rivalry”. Basically the funding and attention left Stargate and went to eureka. They should both have recieved the attention they deserved but that’s a whole other rant lmao

  • The ascension thing comes back and gets more explained, Daniel dies multiple times (3 maybe?) but the last time is part of a multi-episode arc that shows what his ascension experience is like (this time anyway) and it’s more or less understood that he can’t die again and expect to come back, and he might not even be able to ascend again period (though I don’t believe either are expressly stated, just my take)

    Farscape is a great show, and some of the characters even have regular roles in late seasons of sg1.