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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I did answer your question. Look around yourself at all the people that work outside for a living in temperatures much hotter than 79 degrees. Or think about all of human history before the advent of the air conditioner. Or the large segments of the global population that live in tropical climates without AC.

    The fact that you become dehydrated “quickly” in 79 degree weather honestly might be a medical condition. Were I you, I would consult your doctor. Unless you’re fairly obese, the fact you’re saying you sweat so much you become dehydrated in mildly warm weather is concerning.

  • Just go outside and look at people working outdoors or exercising. 79 isn’t very hot. Shocking fact: A/C was invented in the 20th century. Humans and summers were invented way, way before that. Do you think farmers just spontaneously combusted every summer before the advent of A/C? I know many farmers that don’t have A/C to this day, and they work sun up to sun down all summer long with no problems.

    79 degrees would barely be considered hot in large swaths of the world. You can live and work in relative comfort at 79 degrees. Think of it this way: people run 135 mile ultramarathons in Death Valley where temperatures get up to 130 degrees.

    Not everyone sits inside an air conditioned cube all day.

  • First of all, a vodka martini isn’t a classic martini. That’s why you have to say “vodka” before martini if that’s what you’re ordering. A martini is made at any reputable establishment with gin. I’m sure you could say “rum martini” and any established bartender would raise an eyebrow but make your order.

    That said, I order my martini the same way every time: pure Everclear stirred with a single ice cube. Wave a bottle of vermouth over the glass while looking in the direction of France.

    One olive or three, never even numbers. I’m not a savage.

    Then after I’ve vomited on the bar, they wheel me home on a dolly.

    Edit: my actual standard order is Beefeater, extra dry, one olive. Keep it simple and classic.

  • I’m sure you “think” a lot of things. Unless you hang out exclusively with white people, there are a lot of people that think drinking a glass of milk is weird. They just don’t tell you, because they’re polite.

    If you’re in the United States, perhaps you’ve heard of the show It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The show characterizes the McPoyles as particularly weird people. One of the ways they create that characterization? Them guzzling milk.

    Dairy “products” are a different concern. Most people produce some level of lactase, but a glass of cow’s milk is a separate thing.

    Aged cheese, for instance, is a different thing. Why would aging cheese add distinct flavors? Because bacteria is digesting the sugars (lact-OSE) and converting it into other things.

    I love cabot cheddar myself for cheap stuff. If you want to know the lactose content of cheese or other dairy products, if there are no added sugars, just check the sugar content. That’s lactose. If it says zero, it’s near zero.

    I’ve never met an adult in my life, of any color, that orders a glass of milk and drinks it. I’m sure it happens, but I guess just not in the circles I run in.

    You’d have to actually be around people regularly to see that it’s unusual. If you’re just in your own house or with the same people every time you go out, then no one is going to mention it.

    Honestly, it’s unusual. I make a high salary and part of my job requires regularly socializing with new people–clients, investors, new friends, etc.

    I’ve never seen a grown adult order a glass of milk and drink it. I wouldn’t judge someone for doing it, but I would criticize their perspective if they thought that was normal, and I would try to figure out the context they’re from where that’s normal behavior, purely out of curiosity. If they’re already in a social environment with me, there’s already some social capital committed, so I’m interested to know more about why someone would think that’s normal behavior.

    “Internet guy that likes Halo” does not qualify, so, while I think you’re being obtuse, I don’t care enough about you to continue this conversation.