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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Dude, stop getting defensive. Most people aren’t trying to directly belittle you, they’re offering suggestions. It’s okay to take them at pace, my dude. You are allowed to say “I wasn’t able to pick it up due to some long term complications. Man though, dat price. Woo.”

    Some serious and not serious suggestions: You could call to order and pay over the phone and then request someone bring it out and place it in the trunk. You could put a couple masks on which will filter a decent portion of the smell. Walk backwards into the wind while carrying it. If your daughter is old enough and you trust her, perhaps she could have gotten it.

    There are options. You posted this to point out and complain about the pricing, then get defensive when others point out how to make it cheaper. Most of us are reasonably sure you didn’t apply a coupon, for instance. Did you consider calling and asking if they could wrap the box in plastic wrap to mostly eliminate the smell, and apologize while explaining why? All we got is “Pizza smell too strong. Daughter picky. So pricy.” We get you have an issue and that is shitty though like of course people will offer ways to deal.

    That said, I am sorry you’re going through a difficult time. It’s clear we aren’t aware of everything you’ve had to give up. I hope it gets better.

  • I won’t discount them unless an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game drops and is garbage. 76 has turned around into an actually enjoyable experience, for instance. At the same time I don’t particularly care if a studio pumps out good or bad as there will still be idiots preordering and buying day 1. I am more than happy to wait for the reviews. A good game is a good game, and a bad one, bad. Who develops it makes no real difference apart from an expectation.

    Thaaaat saaaid: Todd, my dude, you do actually need to hurry up. A great entry into the Fallout universe would restore some of the old faith you have caused to fall away.

  • I think there’s nuance here. Most of us side with Batman because we side with ideals and a desire for good. Batman represents, in a broken way, what good can be, and the cracks in his character let us relate more with him. This happens out in the real world too. Those with money, who take that money and the time/effort to help others, are less hated. Ever deepening shades and shadows, humans rarely truly operate on black and white.

  • I’ll say this: Grabbed a free month of Prime through Google Play. Went to cancel it before it charged me again and I had so much trouble figuring out how I decided that I couldn’t be the only one and ended up Googling it.

    You couldn’t quit in the Google Play Store. It wasn’t even listed.

    It wasn’t any form of subscription or listed as a membership on Amazon.

    You couldn’t end it by following QR codes or links supplied to you on Amazon itself.

    It wasn’t in your Amazon profile or Google profile.

    The ONLY WAY to cancel it was by scanning the QR code, following the link, clicking on a “Contact Support” button, clicking on another button under “Help Topics” that said, “How to end your Prime Membership”, and finally you were taken to a page where you could actually end it. Obfuscated like a motherfucker.

  • Corps hate looking bad. Especially to shareholders. The thing is, and perhaps it doesn’t matter, most of us actually respect the step back more than we do the silly business decisions for that quarterly .5% increase in a single dot on a graph. Of course, that respect doesn’t really stop many of us from using services. Hell, I don’t like Amazon but I’ll say this: I still end up there when I need something, even if I try to not end up there in the first place. Though I do try to go to the website of the store instead of using Amazon when I can.