Thorium certainly does https://thorium.rocks/
Considerable. Orks are about 250+ pounds, 6 - 7 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse. Orks also get stronger, bigger and more resilient the longer they fight and stay active. A Warboss can be 10+ foot in height, for example.
In Know No Fear two Ultramarines are discussing how to kill an Ork and one comments that an Ork can rip the arms off of a Space Marine in power armour.
An average Imperial Guardsman wouldn’t stand much of a chance one-on-one.
Install a firewall app and restrict access for every app on your phone?
Shamelessly reposting this here, because it seems relevant:
Negative news has a greater impact on people than positive: https://assets.csom.umn.edu/assets/71516.pdf
Media sites know this, and use it to drive engagement:
And so, negative headlines are getting worse: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0276367
But negative news is addictive and psychologically damaging: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-we-worry/202009/the-psychological-impact-negative-news
So it’s important to try and stay positive:
If you want a break from the constant negativity, here are some sites that report specifically on positive news:
And here’s 35 more: https://news.feedspot.com/good_news_websites/
Some communities on Lemmy you might be interested in:
Remember, realistic optimism is important and, unlike what some might have you believe, is not the same as blissful ignorance or ‘burying your head in the sand’: https://www.learning-mind.com/realistic-optimism-blind-positivity/
And doesn’t mean you must stay uninformed on current affairs: https://www.goodgoodgood.co/articles/how-to-stop-doom-scrolling
Dunno, maybe some people have different opinions on a game than you do? Imagine that? Imagine if people liked different things? Crazy…
Some key figures from the 2024 Forestry research summary:
There are now 3.28 million hectares of woodland in the UK (as of March 2024)
Woodland area in the UK now represents 13.5% of total land area
20,660 hectares of new woodland were created in the UK in 2023/24 (compared to 12,960 in 22/23)
There was a 59% increase in new planting and 28% increase in restocking in the UK in 2023/24
Hopefully that’ll make you feel slightly happier :)
Which do you prefer Dishonored 1 or 2? I struggle to pick a favourite, tbh.
Does the other guy have a spare helmet dangling off him?
Both look great, btw!
Yer fond of me dogfood aint’ ye? I seen it - yer fond of me dogfood! Say it! Say it. Say it!
Business groups accuse ministers of introducing a thicket of red tape as the government bans exploitative zero-hours contracts, ends “fire and rehire” tactics, introduces basic rights from day one and protects workers against unfair dismissal.
Amazing how it’s always businesses complaining when the regulations are designed to improve things for their employees, eh?
To be honest, yes I do. It’s been less than a year and already Labour has ‘failed’. At least give them time. I’m not saying they’re going to fix everything, but they’ll be a damn sight better than the Tories.
I mean, have you encountered these Real Gamers™ before? They go out of their way to be enraged at this stuff. It’s all deliberate.