What in the hell? You think this is ok? A honey blend implies a blend of…wait for it… different HONEY.
Not a blend of super cheap and super unhealthy syrup.
What in the hell? You think this is ok? A honey blend implies a blend of…wait for it… different HONEY.
Not a blend of super cheap and super unhealthy syrup.
Minor spoilers ahead.
I have no clue what this show will be like.
I read the trilogy and I’m not really sure that it will translate to the screen very well. The story is absolutely massive and spans from beginning in the Chinese cultural revolution and ends at the literal end of time.
That being said, it is probably my favorite and what I consider the best sci-fi trilogy out there.
Incredibly interesting concepts are explored and it also has a really interesting way of telling the story. It’s not just about one guy saving the whole universe. It catalogs all of civilization’s attempts at coming together and protecting humanity from an alien threat. And it also goes into all of the issues that humanity runs into while trying to work together, while also spanning across thousands of years.
It’s a really fantastic series and I would highly recommend it to just about anyone with an intellectual interest in humanity’s future.
It’s a big statement to say, but this book changed my outlook on humanity and globalism.
Fuck this company. Fuck these ghouls making this decision.
This is easily the most badass form of piracy I’ve ever seen. The right kind of rebellion.
It definitely has plenty of flaws, but the good things heavily outweigh the bad.
I mean just the shear scope of that game is crazy. It’s very ambitious .There are so many dialog options. I’ve tried to explore as much as I can in my first playthrough but I can tell there’s a lot of content that I’ve missed.
Can’t wait to do a second run.
Huh? Well how do we know that any scale at all is right?
Pretty sure that every modern scale has a “tare” button that resets the weight and zeroes everything out.
For the love of god, please don’t. You’re just making them hornier.
Maybe we’ll have that kind of technology in the future.
As long as it’s an Ultra Premium Design
I’m not really excited because I felt like V basically took all of the fun detail out of the story and main world and saved it all for online.
The missions and world in V had so little charm and so little of the detail that made IV and previous so amazing. The world was massive but felt totally empty.
But I know they made a bunch of money with online so I’m sure that’s how it’s gonna be again this time.
“At least they shot me in the face, and not in the back of the head!”