
A PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays tabletop and videogames; if the weathers nice I climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor bouldering ones.

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  • 17 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 4th, 2023


  • AdamAtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldstatic website generator
    8 days ago

    Hugo can be as simple as installing it, configuring a site with some yaml that points at a really available theme and writing your markdown content.

    It gets admittedly more complex if you’re wanting to write your own theme though.

    But I think this realistically applies to most all static site generators.

  • All votes are public, they’re literally broadcast to the Fediverse writ large. You vote on something on your server, your server then tells the server owning the thing you voted on and that server then tells anyone who is interested (subscribers on other servers). That way everyone knows that this comment was voted on, but that information is indelibly tied to you - an entity on the Fediverse.

    Lemmy devs just chose not to a) show that information in a UI (plenty of other software out there does) and b) not inform people that was the case. Which leads to the whole point of the thread, hiding this from users merely gives a false sense of security.

  • but humanity is evil too

    Emphasis on this. We humans have become Xenophobic Christofascists* turned up to 11. All aliens are bad** and anything against established doctrine is heresy of the highest order. Human labour is essentially free vs the gross expense of materiel so the leadership will think nothing of having entire generations of a planet mine out some toxic substance that kills before you age much past the ability to outbreed it.

    In short, anyone who claims humans are the good guys, is misguided at best.

    *EmperorFascists as the ruler is the Immortal God Emperor.

    ** Officially, but there exists means and people who can deal a little more diplomatically than with a gun.