Does it ever bother you that this place is full of nitwits and trolls, many of whom make Reddit seem civilized and well-managed by comparison?
Yeah, me neither.
Hm. That’s weird.
Ssssshhhh, for god’s sake don’t give them any ideas.
Psychiatry could learn a lot…
Winning is relative, they can’t stop distribution if the creators are careful about it.
If magnets, then there’s less info in the link itself (compared to a .torrent) and that needs to be located. If availability is shit, that will be hard/impossible.
“I shouldn’t have to use permissions or sudo, just all root all the time”
Serious boomer shit that somehow managed to completely miss the question of why the kid was that heavily into games in the first place. The very idea was mentioned once, in the whole article. As an aside. Blegh.
This was not exactly subtle anyway - oh, they just happened to stop making DLCs just as they discovered their horrible online platform could print cash with close to zero effort.
N64, and this is the one I actually grew up with. They took a chance, they fucked up by making an alien spaceship three-pronged dildoesque monstrosity, that wore out at mach speed - especially by normal gameplay in certain (coughMarioParty1cough) games. While I have tons of love and nostalgia for N64 and several games on it, it can’t excuse the controller itself.
That’s fair: abstraction. The technical wrongness of “orbiting electrons” as in the whichever-model serves a purpose: the truth is hairy, and more importantly not practically relevant if you’re calculating sliding boxes around planes and that sort of thing.
On the other hand, “10% of the brain” and similar nuggets of common “wisdom” are just flat-out wrong, often stupidly so. There’s very little use in that.
She really is firmly determined to take anyone who’s ever cast doubt on her intelligence and decency, and prove them thoroughly right.
Implying Netflix can learn…
On the other hand: HTTPS
Even for the internet, this place is truly extremely fond of doing that.
New Vegas is notable for not being a Bethesda game per se. It uses something very close to the Fallout 3 engine, but the actual content has little to do with Bethesda. They did publish it, though.
Lmao. They are basically speedrunning enshittification% at this point.
“Honestly one of the dirtiest things-”