give your kids your first name. that way they can verify it forever and so on as long as they keep the tradition and last name alive.
give your kids your first name. that way they can verify it forever and so on as long as they keep the tradition and last name alive.
when I started with mobile apps google was easy and apple was a problem.
nowadays apple is very clear on what they allow and what they don’t and it’s possible to go back and forth with them to get something approved.
google is trying their hard to be as strict as apple while putting 0 of the effort in to correct problems. not to mention that android is a fucking piece of garbage to maintain. you have like 4 deadlines per year, you need to update this or that thing or your app won’t work on this or that device, or the deprecation deadline for fucking safetynet arrives and they take two weeks to repair the google play integrity service.
Netflix didn’t fuck their monopoly up. They just didn’t have an eternal technological moat. Their monopoly had an expiration date which is why they shifted to content generation.
Nowadays the problem they face is that there isn’t enough people on the planet to grow forever, so in order to keep growing they have to squeeze harder.
Their content is terrible tough, there they did drop the ball.