If by bots you mean computer programs or AI, they are not people and should be ignored/blocked. If you mean (as seems to be common) people with a different opinion, then you need to be more careful lest you get the faults of an echo chamber.
If by bots you mean computer programs or AI, they are not people and should be ignored/blocked. If you mean (as seems to be common) people with a different opinion, then you need to be more careful lest you get the faults of an echo chamber.
I’m not surprised. They are very hard to make correctly and not that much better than other options that are easier to do. they are a “holy grail” of wood working skill for a reason. I’ve done a dozen in my life and the best is so awful I want to burn an otherwise nice creation to hide the evidence.
Welcome to the world. There are strange things all over. Sit back and enjoy laughing at the ride.
You are both right and wrong there.
You need different opinions in your life, otherwise your echo chamber will tend to move to more extremist. Pretty soon you think those “others” are evil and so you are willing for anti-democracy coups by your side, or to fight wars to kill those infidels or other evil things. You need a steady input of other opinions to remind yourself that reasonable people can disagree and that is okay.
Also sometimes you are wrong. Few people have the guts to read a well reasoned opinion and admit they are wrong, but it is one you should be willing for.
Of course there is far more possible opinions than you have time to read. So eventually you have to say I don’t have time to deal with this subject and shut it out. So long as you avoid the problems of an echo chamber they are fine. Be aware of them though and make sure you are not falling into those traps anytime you shut something out.
Watching sports is a useful activity when you confined to a hospital bed for a month or two as has happened to people I know. In one case they wouldn’t be allowed to game, even sports were in danger of being too exciting for their condition.
The game most of the world calls “football” is called “soccer” in the US. We have a very popular game we call “football” in the US that is unrelated to “soccer”, instead it is related to rugby (still very different from rugby, but there is a relation)
Cutting dovetails implies by hand - power tools exist for it, but those using power tools generally use different joints.
Watching someone cut a dovetail by hand is a lot more interesting now that I know from experience how hard it is. And maybe I’ll learn a trick to make my next ones better.
I can only watch so much football as can a rare other people like me. If I am watching football I want the view of one position. I don’t care that the quarterback got sacked on the play, how did the running back avoid the defense in his attempts to become open for a pass - or some such that I want to emulate when I next play. (i think that is a likely thing - I consider football too dangerous to play so I’m guessing - in reality I’d prefer to see other sports that I’m likely to play)
edit: spelling
Good companies also know who is generating value and ensure they won’t leave.
Note that I specified GOOD there. A lot of companies are not good.
Good companies will notice and ensure you get a larger raise.
Finding a good company is a hard problem though.
Contribute to some other game that already exists if possible. that is the power of open source - when many people over many years come together to work on all the tedious details to make a complex polished game free from market pressure. When you do many choices have already been made for you, so they can tell you where to start. Want to add a new puzzle, put a picture on some wall, or whatever - they will tell you how to do that.
If nothing is like your idea you can start from scratch. Likewise sometimes the existing people involved in the game are jerks and you need to start over or fork - but are you sure it is them and not you. These are not ideal cases though and should be avoided. Much better to work with others if possible.
If you start from scratch you should be thinking about what game engine to write in. You can write a game from scratch in raw code, but in general step one is picking your engine and then living with the limits of that engine.
I suspect it is too little too late. Most small users of VMWare are likely in the final stages of rolling out the replacement. They have chosen the replacement, scoped out what needs to move and what needs to change in processes to move, and are in the final stages of testing before rolling things out. At this point stopping the rollout is even more risky - companies have already figured out they can’t trust Broadcomm and so they won’t go back even if they can measure VMWare as better, it isn’t enough better.
Most mines are underground so for most this can’t work, but where it does they are sure to use it.
Tesla can detect a crash and send the last minute of data back so all cars learn from is. I don’t know if they do but they can.
I’ve never been in a zoo I’m allowed to drive more thln e wheelchair through. They may require extra training - I would not know
You should know how to brake without causing maneuver problems (including not locking up the wheels). It is a basic skill needed for many situations. Just keep slowing down, the accelerate just before impact is something that can only be done in movies - any real world attempt will be worse - remember if you keep braking you lose momentum, so the acceleration needs to be perfectly timed or it is worse.
I don’t know, where I live giraffes are only in the zoo and thus never on the road. I’m not aware of any escaping the zoo.
I’m sure if I lived around wild deere, my training would include that, but since I don’t I was able to save some time by not learning that.
Deer often travel in herds so where there is one there are often more. In rural area you can go miles without seeing one, and then see 10 in a few hundred feet. There are deer in those miles you didn’t see them as well, but they happened to not be near the road then.
Right they are released patents. Fairly common in many industries to release all patents in areas like disability or safety. You gain more by releasing them any by holding them.