• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • brewery@feddit.uktoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldMeasuring latency
    8 months ago

    Do you physically have access to the router? If so, I would figure out the settings it uses that other people notice (wifi settings etc) and just hard reset it. Chances are they just use the basic settings provided anyway.

    Is anybody else using the router or just you? If just you, I’d just do what you want to it and reset it when you leave.

  • Yeah that is a fair point counter to what I said about Truss and yeah, I also forgot to add austerity to the Cameron list! He still ends up on top in my view.

    I guess you could argue the Ukraine war for heating costs and brexit is the ultimate problem for higher interest rates but Truss definitely caused the spike and expanded the issues to make them much worse, much more quickly. I retract the mostly receded point.

    Their choice to spread the cost of the financial crisis amongst the whole country and including the vulnerable was the worst decision ever (assuming you care about the British public I guess…), Brexit then helped to keep us down and have nothing left when covid happened. Even the UN envoys on poverty are saying that about austerity being done in a tragic way.

  • It is funny that both the left wing and right wing in the UK complain so much about the police “targeting” them more so than the other.

    I do think they were very heavy handed during the blm protests and tend to have a soft spot for right wing protests because they themselves are historically right wing, similar to the US I guess. However, they have absolutely no time for these far right football hooligans and they know they are looking for trouble so no matter where they go to “protest” (I.e. drink lots and spew hatred) they tend to have to follow them and contain them from the normal public just going about their lives.

  • Absolutely agreed. I think the ability of the person, their morals and their impact are important but long term consequences have to play a major role.

    Trusses’ impacts were immediate and large but have mostly receded. She wasn’t around long enough to do any real damage and she’s still out there garnering support from the same crazy fuckheads in the first place so no real changes there. They’ll just put up someone else instead.

    Johnson was by far the worst individual but the damage was relatively small because of how incompetent he was and in fact, he highlighted a lot of issues that will hopefully change for the better now. If another evil politician turns up and makes use of those but is actually competent, they’ll go number one with Bojo number 2. Anybody would’ve struggled with covid and although he made it worse, I think other institutions lessened the impact somewhat.

    Blair has the Iraq war, impact on Middle East and the start of the British fall in international relations, which probably puts him pretty high but I think some of the other stuff (e.g. making the BoE independent) probably does just enough to and him.

    Brown was in power for too little of a time really but was instrumental in Blair’s got so takes some of that heat.

    A lot of the country would argue Thatcher should be up there. Her policies continue to have much support in the Tories and some parts of other parties. Definitely a contender.

    Brexit has had the worst impacts on every part of our lives and will continue to do so for quite some time. It’s also messed up NI, Ireland and the EU itself has suffered from it too. Cameron caused it and then jumped ship because he couldn’t help or wasn’t willing to, and either way is pretty bad. He has my vote for sure. No other single politic move has caused such a large negative impact.

  • If he came out and said he will follow the will of the people and appoint a pro brexit person to lead a new dept and also lead negotiations, I think he could’ve got away with it. At least he could’ve seen through a transition to a new govt rather than just abandon it everything.

    Maybe he shouldn’t have pissed off the brexit crowd with those govt paid leaflets and the support he gave. He should’ve planned something for what would happen if the vote didn’t go his way. We could’ve at least figured out what type of brexit the country wanted as a binary yes - no was not enough.

    I see what you mean though, maybe it was just never possible and it was his only option. I just think he caused the most damage to this country ever and somehow is getting away with it with seemingly no consequences. No matter what, he is so linked to this situation in a negative way he should not be in politics anymore, either as a cabinet member or lord

  • If you watch various videos people posted on social media and not just the news ones (which also showed the same to be fair), it’s really obvious they were looking for fights constantly. They were far right supporters and the old style football fans, drinking heavily and geared up for a fight (balaclavas, weapons etc). They really targeted the police, trying to goad them with chants and look for points of weakness in the lines, and it felt like the majority of people there were doing it or supporting those who were. There were almost no women and non white people. One thing I found funny was they were singing “England till I die” in most videos but in one to an obviously Welsh police unit, and they didn’t see the irony there.

    The march was complete opposite, it was a very diverse group of people, actually mainly women, marching through and chanting peaceful messages. They weren’t squaring off to the police who were more on the sidelines. There were some small groups of people ready for fight and squaring off to the police at points or when the counter demonstrators were close but it was such a small minority overall. Even the videos where police took away some of the banners were quite civil. The protesters were arguing back with words only and no pushing and shoving.

    I have to say, the police seemed to get it right and helped keep things as peaceful as possible considering the tension. A lot of eyes were on them. It seemed like half the protestors had cameras and there were tons of journalists looking for action.