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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023

  • Absolutely. I bought two kits (first VR, then variety) just to see what the deal was with them. It was a while after release, got them for a bit cheaper. I didn’t expect it to be that smart, to be honest. For a curious 10-12 year old or so, it’s fantastic.

    Just the piano toy touches stuff like optics and IR, waveforms, frequency, and of course there’s the satisfaction of building that thing with all those moving parts.

    I’ve seen so many people missing the point completely and calling it “expensive cardboard”. It’s like seeing one of these kits for kids letting them assemble a simple radio, with instructions and an introduction to electronics, and complaining that you could buy an actual radio for a quarter of the price.

  • Game doesn’t exist anymore where I live, but the last thing I bought from a similar store (down to overpriced games and being mostly about merch) was a 8bitdo controller several years ago. I was there, price was not excessive, and it was slightly more convenient than having one delivered.

    Beyond that… I went a couple times just to pick up a free event pokémon on 3DS, and nothing else, and I think the last actual game I got from them must have been Order of Ecclesia on the DS.