vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • i hear you - i’ve basically learned to avoid any topic or activity related to food with other people irl, which really sucks.

    cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, can’t talk to my friends about it anymore. hell, a close friend from high school completely stopped talking to me because we had literally one very reasonable and civil (from my perspective) debate about veganism. it’s been years since i heard from them.

    i got a single one of my close friends to even consider trying it, and i’ve been too anxious to even bring it up since last we spoke about it - a couple years ago now. they didn’t seem to believe in the ethics/lifestyle of it and i’m terrified of learning that this person i care so much about has decided that their sensory pleasure is worth more than the lives of the animals they eat.

    my experiences with speaking about veganism to the people that i care about is that it is a taboo subject; one that will make other people upset with me and potentially ruin relationships. and i think that fucking sucks.

  • idk man i didn’t invent tofu scramble i just like the way it tastes and find tofu with no dressing/coating/browning/whatever to look relatively unappealing - especially tofu scramble because you aren’t browning the tofu at all (at least i don’t)

    also i wrote and deleted like 7 different reasons why i thought people do this with tofu scramble specifically but i think i just agree with you lol. i guess its mostly to give people who are transitioning to or trying out veganism a direct analog to a food they already are familiar with and feel like they are giving up? i’m more partial to food that is unabashedly plants over of the faux meats/etc, so i hadn’t considered that angle so much.

  • ah yes non vegan cooking is famous for being completely free of food colorings and any other ingredients or techniques used for purely visual flair. notorious for being illegal to look like another food item.

    nobody is tricking themselves into thinking it’s eggs, it just looks better and people are familiar with a yellow pile of mashed breakfast food instead of a white one. it would look gross with no colorings added, maybe something red like paprika would work just as well.

    i find your aversion to making tofu scramble yellow strange, and i assure you when the turmeric hits the pan my mind does not go “ooh now it’s eggs”

  • i say something like this often in real life, but despite it being plainly observable in daily life other people still don’t agree.

    it’s on all scales too, or at least it feels like it. moving everything to streaming, always online, etc. want to play a competitive video game with your friends? give a corporation root-level access to your home computer. ads everywhere some greedy ass in a suit can think to stick them whether you pay or not, yet everyone complies like this is normal and i get singled out for caring about our rights as consumers.

    i love capitalism i love money