(considering what’s left behind on Xitter, that’s probably a good thing)
(considering what’s left behind on Xitter, that’s probably a good thing)
user level moderation: blocking, muting, and filtering – and block lists, mute lists, and filter lists can all be shared and subscribed and updated
Starcraft: Ghost
and converting them to modern languages: Basic Computer Games
would like to see what Cards Against Humanity could do with the supplement business …
“There are two types of people: those who back up and those who haven’t lost data … yet.”
nothing says safety like a Sony rootkit
BSD community seems to like snac2
Shantanu Narayen’s still not giving you a free license
Elon decided Microsoft’s Tay chatbot was a guidebook …
how many musicians sending in cease-and-desist letters again?
“oh hey, it’s the computer guy”
more of a miracle he didn’t copy Johnny Cab …
“Do you ever wonder why we’re here?”
it’s time to return to the roots, FORTRAN and LISP and COBOL – C is the new technology
tropical or sidereal or Schmidt or IAU zodiac?