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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • While replication of research is important, one must be sure to use a diverse selection of subjects to compensate for any discrepancies caused by subject idiosyncrasies.

    One may argue that a follow-up study may be warranted for any specific individual subject, yet without that additional, supplementary testing on diverse subjects, the follow-up study might present the appearance of some sort of emotional attachment.

    I do apologize for the tone of my rebuke.

  • That’s not how it works. Making money today is the only thing these ghouls care about, ruining a company or brand is just dandy because they won’t be holding the bag when it bursts. They’ll have passed it to someone else. Someone else who will then work to gut the company even more before selling it to someone who will gut it and close it down.

    And nothing of real value will have been made, but lots of rich asshats will be slightly richer.

  • No, Rian Johnson is a pretty shit storyteller as well.

    A competent storyteller would have seen that Carrie Fisher died, looked at the release window of the movie, with a full year left, and then ordered a single reshoot to kill Leia off instead of pulling a Space Merry Poppins.

    He also completely abandoned Finn’s Force potential in favor of whatever the fuck that casino raid was.

    And then there was the noble sacrifice that Finn was going to make, which was foiled because he decided that Finn should have a love interest, but didn’t lay any of the groundwork for it, and the sacrifice could have actually saved the day.

    So instead, he invents the hyperspace kamikaze.

    Honestly, that entire movie felt like a long filler sequence. The stakes never actually changed, and there was no payoff of anything. It was a placeholder movie, only meant to be the second in a trilogy. And the fans hated it so much that the last movie spent a good amount of runtime retconning it all.

  • The footage thing is a game of telephone that the internet has played with itself.

    There was no footage of the cell itself, because there are no cameras in any cells except those used for suicide watch. Epstein was pulled off suicide watch.

    Internet sleuths keep demanding footage of the cell itself, which flies in the face of how prisons run.

    There is footage of the cell block hallways leading to and from Epstein’s cell. The footage there shows no people entering or exiting the hallway. Which leads to the next part.

    The guards falsified records. They were both actually asleep on the job, but had filed statements saying they were awake and alert and watching the prison. The footage showed that neither guard did any rounds that night. They didn’t do rounds the night before, or even the week before. They basically just didn’t do rounds at all.

    They were both prosecuted for such, but got off because law enforcement sleeping on the job is just sort of accepted…

    I can’t find anything about a payoff.

  • The “Epstein didn’t kill himself” nonsense always bothered me. It ignores why he was arrested in the first place.

    He was soliciting sex with underage girls from a local, and rich, high school. The solicitation was for himself.

    So you have an old man trying (and sometimes succeeding) at picking up 14-17 year old white girls from rich families. He was super sloppy about it as well, attempting the shotgun approach of just messaging every single girl he could on various social media platforms.

    This got the attention of the media, and pissed off some people with some money behind them.

    He was going to prison for his own solicitation, and not for supplying anyone else.

    But once the media started digging, they found a bunch of shit that said he had also been supplying girls to the rich and famous. But those weren’t the charges he was facing, and his rich and famous friends could not, or would not, help him with the charges he was facing.

    What they could do, was pull him off of suicide watch.

    A pedo in prison either has to be in protective custody, or be otherwise protected from the other prisoners. Otherwise, the other prisoners will take out all their aggression on the pedo.

    Epstein was facing prison time, and was being threatened with being placed in general population. He had already been attacked by another inmate, and had uncountable beatings to look forward to.

    So the moment he was pulled from suicide watch, he killed himself. It was a selfish decision, but it also greatly helped out the people he had supplied girls to.

    The main question is, did some of his powerful friends pull strings to get him off suicide watch? We also know that he met his lawyer days earlier and signed documents that made it much harder for his victims to get compensation, but only in the case of his death.

    That alone points to him planning to die rather than spend the rest of his life being repeatedly beaten by other inmates.