Looks like it just came back up lol
Got damn that’s a drop, I didn’t even think SDF was that busy lol
SDF should be more reliable, they existed since like the 80s and have hosted tons of things from Public access UNIX to BBS to web hosting lol
Lol you gotta go see Quark, im sure he can hook you up with what you seek…for a price
Sideloading doesn’t sound dangerous, if anything it sounds cool lol
We should have listened to Bugs all those years ago and just cut Florida off the US
It’s sad to hear about how territorial lemmy is.
Not really territorial, more… despises authoritarianism in all its forms lol.
While I’m sure there are plenty of non-tankie .ml users, the problem is with the admins and mods being the biggest Tankies around who enforce the “Tankie ideology” throughout.
Go checkout .ml memes, anything posted that’s Tankie-like will even sometimes get tons of downvotes as the post gets federated to non-Tankie instances but never removed.
Conversely, anything posted that’s even slightly critical of China/Russia is quickly removed under the catch-all “Rule 1 bigotry” (You’ll have to check the modlog for that)
The difference is nobody’s denying (well I’m sure the right-wing nut jobs are anyways) it.
And also now you’ve just devolved into the classic tankie “whataboutism” as if what the West does at all excuses what China/Russia are doing.
The censorship and suppression of freedoms in China are well documented.
Ah, I get you now lol
I get what you’re saying about the technical definition, but when most people talk about ‘socialism’ today, they’re thinking of the European model of strong social programs and regulated capitalism - aka social democracy. That’s the common usage I was working with. Could I have been more precise with terminology? Sure.
But that doesn’t change my main point about tankies, they reject even that moderate approach in favor of turning the dial to 11 and pushing authoritarian systems like China’s at the sacrifice of human rights and freedoms (and overlooking/denying them when said regimes do it), which is exactly what I was criticizing.
A) if you had read my comment closely, you would have seen I said "What they SEE it as. Not what it is
B) Socialism does not require the abolishment of capitalism and most working examples of it, such as in EU countries, works alongside capitalism. This is the version most people think when they reference socialism and that’s what’s relevant to the discussion.
Socialism is an economic and political philosophy encompassing diverse economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production, as opposed to private ownership. It describes the economic, political, and social theories and movements associated with the implementation of such systems. Social ownership can take various forms, including public, community, collective, cooperative, or employee. As one of the main ideologies on the political spectrum, socialism is the standard left-wing ideology in most countries. Types of socialism vary based on the role of markets and planning in resource allocation, and the structure of management in organizations.
Socialist systems divide into non-market and market forms. A non-market socialist system seeks to eliminate the perceived inefficiencies, irrationalities, unpredictability, and crises that socialists traditionally associate with capital accumulation and the profit system. Market socialism retains the use of monetary prices, factor markets and sometimes the profit motive. As a political force, socialist parties and ideas exercise varying degrees of power and influence, heading national governments in several countries. Socialist politics have been internationalist and nationalist; organised through political parties and opposed to party politics; at times overlapping with trade unions and other times independent and critical of them, and present in industrialised and developing nations. Social democracy originated within the socialist movement, supporting economic and social interventions to promote social justice. While retaining socialism as a long-term goal, in the post-war period social democracy embraced a mixed economy based on Keynesianism within a predominantly developed capitalist market economy and liberal democratic polity that expands state intervention to include income redistribution, regulation, and a welfare state.
Wow, what a character to base your username off of and presumably looks up to?..
In any case, Tankies hate socialism, they see it as nothing but trying to “make capitalism work with regulation” and they strive for abolishment of capitalism entirely.
Which, I’m not against, but they want to abolish and then replace it with an authoritarianism-based regime instead that looks something like what China has, which is just replacing a bad thing with something as equally as bad or worse.
This comm never fails to deliver a smile lmao
Yeah I can see that, that would also explain how .ml can maintain… subtlety…to avoid a larger call for defederation from them.
However, saying “to be introduced to Socialism with Dessaline characteristics?” Is rather disingenuous, Tankies with restraint and discipline are still Tankies
They’re not “far-left” they’re authoritarian “communists” and by “difference of political perspectives” you mean denial of human rights abuses and suppression of freedom by authoritarian regimes (even denying they are authoritarian regimes) like China or even that Russia was totally justified attacking a country unprovoked.
Tankie is a pejorative label generally applied to authoritarian communists, especially those who support acts of repression by such regimes, their allies, or deny the occurrence of the events thereof. More specifically, the term has been applied to those who express support for one-party Marxist–Leninist socialist republics, whether contemporary or historical. It is commonly used by anti-authoritarian leftists, including anarchists, libertarian socialists, left communists, democratic socialists, and reformists to criticise Leninism, although the term has seen increasing use by liberal and right‐wing factions as well.
Well they’re more like Authoritarian “Communists”, the theory of communism doesn’t require human rights violations and restrictions of freedoms.
But the only examples of communism in practice, and the only ones they praise and defend fervently, are places with authoritarian regimes like China.
Tankie is a pejorative label generally applied to authoritarian communists, especially those who support acts of repression by such regimes, their allies, or deny the occurrence of the events thereof. More specifically, the term has been applied to those who express support for one-party Marxist–Leninist socialist republics, whether contemporary or historical. It is commonly used by anti-authoritarian leftists, including anarchists, libertarian socialists, left communists, democratic socialists, and reformists to criticise Leninism, although the term has seen increasing use by liberal and right‐wing factions as well.
Or are their being taken over by lemmygrad, to be introduced to Socialism with Dessaline characteristics?
What‽ LMAO grad, .ml are Tankie instances just the same and Dess is a huge Tankie lolol
Hex, .ml and grad are part of the Tankie Triad. Tankies are authoritarians and often hard to tell apart from far right nutjobs
Hexbear, along with .ml and grad, are Tankie instances. Known as the Tankie Triad (well soon to be Tankie Dyad anyways lol)
Very cool and adorable characters lol, but it’s quite wordy for the average person, I would put a big ol “Tl;Dr” button/link/blurb/infographic at the top that just gets them the base info needed to quickly get started. If they want to learn more later, they can always come back when they’re ready.