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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: May 30th, 2024


  • mistaken identity i guess.

    Thomas-Bowen was arrested by Essex police on suspicion of assault.

    However, since the pictures of the event were shared widely online, people falsely identified the woman as Emily Hewertson – a 24-year-old conservative, pro-Brexit media personality, who also works as a House of Commons press officer.

    Clarifying that she was not responsible for the incident, Hewertson wrote on Twitter/X: “No, I did not throw a milkshake over Nigel Farage.”.

    however, she just did it for publicity;

    The woman who threw the drink has been identified as Victoria Thomas-Bowen, who is a 25-year-old OnlyFans model.

    but oh well… i hope he gets more milkshakes

  • i don’t really see being too fragile as a powerful position….
    it has definitely been abused by people pretending to be fragile… but the amount of very hostile, sexually aggressive people at many workplaces has made it this way, not the fragile people.
    work is a place people are dependent on to make money to survive, with people they have to see every day.
    a good friend of mine was a manager and very mildly cussed at a worker when they made a mistake… not even at her but just cussed as he was walking off….
    she went to h.r., said it was because he hated lesbians (he doesn’t, has a lesbian aunt and several lesbian friends).
    they fired him after ten years of being a good worker, working overtime or filling in whenever asked… never being late….
    just fired him over one person saying one thing.
    everyone else backed him up, but they didn’t care.
    unions are pretty good, btw.