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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • I mean, I dunno. I was sort of okay with the link’s awakening remake using this aesthetic, because it was a one off game, but it does sort of strike me as a very like, default, low rent kind of appearance, and the item and enemy copying ability also strikes me as something that’s not that interesting, and not as interesting as the normal zelda dungeon by dungeon kind of scheme. A good portion of the things you’re gonna copy are probably going to have exceedingly similar behaviors, they’re going to be functionally identical.

    It’s obviously a copy, ironically, or maybe an extension, of the design philosophy behind the recent two big zelda games, and this one’s adapted it to a lower budget 2D game. I dunno, I’m still not in love with the idea as a whole, and that’s kind of after two big games. I dunno if it’s really ever gonna be on the level of, say, portal, or something, right? Which is a weird comparison to make, but I do feel the need to make it. I’ve never really found physics puzzles to be that interesting, which is gonna be what a lot of games that try like, universal mechanics, are going to have to cowtow to, because physics systems are theoretically infinite even though they actually do have a relatively small set of constraints, right. I’ve also never really enjoyed stacking boxes on top of one another as a solution to a puzzle, despite that being omnipresent in every good immersive sim, which is weirdly what I would kind of peg the modern zelda design philosophy as belonging to.

    I dunno. I feel like the change in style has been kind of hard for me to pin down. It’s very obvious in a difference of feel, right, but in terms of formally locking down the actual difference, I can’t say I’ve really found much that’s all that weird about it. Sure, you can theoretically use whatever ability, anywhere, at any time, to make any vehicle, or scale any platform, stuff like that. But 90% of the time, it’s going to be totally useless as an ability. You’re going to fall into a couple of discrete, routine behaviors, even given an “infinite” ability that you’re just sort of, free to use and abuse like that.

    Compare this to a conventional zelda tool, which is not generally usable anywhere, right. You can use the hookshot to stun or damage enemies, right, you can use it to grapple onto a discrete set of platforms, but outside of that it’s not gonna be too useful. I don’t see that as being all that different from like. Ahh, well, with this ability, you can paste together two pallets! It’s effectively the same, they’re gonna come with a pretty similar set of constraints and behaviors.

    I feel like, to me, a lot of the fun of emergent mechanics comes from eeking out solutions to puzzles that designers probably haven’t thought about at all. Sometimes you can basically sidestep a challenge that otherwise you would’ve had to do, and in that way, it feels very much like a casual version of a speedrunning trick, or, it’s something that rewards your cleverness, or your understanding and mastery of the mechanics beyond even what the designers might anticipate. I like that much less when it feels like the designer doesn’t have a set, like, idea of a solution to a puzzle. When they’ve just given me all the tools, and then they tell me to go nuts, I don’t feel as though I’m circumventing anything, I just feel as though I’m doing the puzzle as god intended. There’s probably also some amount of, if everyone’s super, then no one is, going on there. If every puzzle is some puzzle I’m able to circumvent with clever rules lawyering or mechanics abuse, then it gets older, faster.

    So I dunno. I really like the third banjo kazooie game, it was probably ahead of it’s time, if this is the kind of direction we’re going in now, and obviously I have some level of nostalgia for it, because the 360 was my formative console, because I’m a zoomer. Feel old yet? At the same time, the first two games were probably just straight up better games, if I had to actually be honest with myself. They have wider appeal, and even if you just have an ability that you can only use on a specific pad, with a specific symbol, and 95% of the challenges can only be conquered how the game designer intends, it’s probably still gonna be better and have more broad appeal than having to either come up with a discrete set of vehicles, use the defaults, or else spend like 50% of your game time in the vehicle creation menu constructing increasingly niche vehicles to better perform the specific task.

    I dunno. You see what I’m getting at, though?

  • I dunno an extra second or two to me, at the green light, isn’t that egregious to me, really. If you’re at an intersection, sometimes the far lanes of the crossing road can be both empty, and totally hidden by a slew of cars waiting to go forward. This is more commonly the case, and more commonly dangerous, for traffic approaching in the furthest lane from you, since that lane can sometimes be a turn lane where right turn on red is allowed, and all it takes is one idiot driver to fuck up your whole day. Most of the times, traffic lights account for this, but it still happens. Not necessarily the end of the world if someone takes a second, and, as the meme says, it doesn’t mess up my day to have an extra second of delay.

    No, the real problem, to me, is the people behind the first person at a green light, and acceleration. Follow distance is purely a property of the speed at which you are going, and lower speeds are much less consequential. There is no reason not to follow the car in front of you almost to the letter, and scale your speed to match their movement. It’s very annoying to me that many people will wait a full one or two seconds to “let the car in front of them go”, before they even start to move. This increases the traffic delays behind you, and can have substantial ramifications for traffic throughput over time, which can be kind of a nightmare in cities with more traffic. Obviously there’s always going to be a very minor delay in terms of raw reaction time, like, 250ms, in an expected environment like this where really the most that can change is that the car in front of you brakes very suddenly, so in all circumstances, you’re going to need a gap that allows you to react to that, and then progressively more as speed increases, consequences increases, and the novelty and unpredictability of the environment increases, you’re gonna need at least two seconds of gap and probably more like four to adequately react.

    Likewise, you can cut down on traffic if everyone just accelerates a little more. Most people, I have noticed, are very conservative with their car’s acceleration, which makes sense in lots of environments, as sometimes you’re just rushing to get stopped by the next light down and most everyone will make it to the next light in any case, since light timings are worked out like that in advance, so it doesn’t matter too much. In many cases, it would actually benefit them to go slower, as going slower might allow them to retain some level of momentum through the next light, which might help them save on gas. Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast, sort of thing. On the other hand, there are some circumstances in which throughput is severely limited by a lack of acceleration since every car behind you is going to be limited by the maximum of your acceleration, so having a more conservative approach can kind of hurt traffic throughput a lot.

    I wish they taught this shit in driver’s ed, I wish driver’s ed was mandatory, and I wish people knew how to fucking drive well. It’s kind of crazy how bad lots of people are at driving in general even though it’s kind of seen as a necessary thing in most of america to get anywhere.

  • So an interesting thing I’ve noticed people doing is basically claiming that whatever other side is being astroturfed by the “real evil”, right. “Fossil fuel is funding renewable FUD of nuclear reactors!” or “Fossil fuels is funding nuclear FUD of renewables!”. You can also see this with liberals claiming that anyone who disagrees with the DNC is a Russian bot, and with people who disagree with libs claiming that libs fund radical right-wing candidates as an election strategy and that this is one of the reasons why they are basically just as bad as those right-wingers.

    The core thing you need to understand about this, as a claim, is that they can both be true. They can both be backed opposition, controlled opposition, astroturfing. Because it’s not so much that they’re funding one racehorse that they want to be their opposition, so much as they are going to fund both sides, plant bad faith actors among both sides, bad faith discourse and division, thought terminating cliches, logical fallacies, whatever, and then by fueling the division, they’ve successfully destroyed their opposition. The biggest help to the fossil fuels lobby isn’t the fact that conversations about nuclear or renewables are happening when “we should be pushing, we should be in emergency mode, everyone should agree with me or get busted” right, as part of this “emergency mode” is us having these conversations. No, the biggest help to fossil fuels lobbies is the nature of the discourse, rather than the subjects of the discourse.

    Also I find it stupid that people are arguing for all in on one of the other. That’s dumb. Really, very incredibly dumb. Mostly as I see this discourse happening in a disconnected top-down vacuum separate from any real world concerns because everyone just wants to be “correct” in the largest sense of the word and then have that be it. Realistically, renewables and nuclear are contextually dependant. Renewables can be better supplemented by energy storage solutions to solve their not matching precisely the power usage curves and trends, but a lot of those proposed storage solutions require large amounts of concrete, careful consideration of environmental effects, and large amounts engineering, i.e. the same shit as nuclear. It can both be true that baseload doesn’t matter so much as things like solar can more closely match the power usage curves naturally for desert climates where large amounts of sunlight and heat will create larger needs for A/C, and it can also be true that baseload is a reality in other cases where you can’t as easily transition power needs or try to offset them without larger amounts of infrastructural investment or power losses. Can’t exactly preheat homes in the day so they stay warm at night, in a cold climate, if the r-values for your homes are ass because everyone has a disconnected suburban shithovel that they’re not recouping maintenance costs of when they pay taxes.

    These calculations of cost offsets and efficiencies have to be made in context, they have to be based in reality, otherwise we’re just arguing about fucking nothing at all. Maybe I will also hold water in the debates for money not being a great indicator of what’s possible, probable, or what’s the best long term solution for humanity, too, just to put that out there. But God damn this debate infuriates me to no end because people want to have their like, universal one size fits all top down kingly decree take of, well is this good or bad, instead of just understanding a greater, more nuanced take on the subject.

    If you wanna have a top-down take on what’s the best, you probably want global, big solar satellites, that beam energy down with microwave lasers.

  • Bring it back as an HTPC like the peeps are saying, low-ball it on the price like 500 bucks or less, maybe even take a hit on it or just a hit on the profit margins, pre-install all the stuff people might need, and then blam, you’ve guaranteed that most people will be casual users who want a lower-end computer and a smart TV/console replacement, and not higher tier hobbyists who want a more powerful machine. Confining your audience to that specific market share basically guarantees they won’t take advantage of the lower or negative margins on the hardware itself, and will probably buy some amount of steam games. They’re also using a device in your ecosystem now but idk what you do as far as that goes to make a good profit while not being a scumbag

  • daltotron@lemmy.worldtoFediverse@lemmy.world...
    5 months ago

    All of em, really. I don’t see much of a reason why the vast majority of platforms wouldn’t benefit from it, except for maybe an argument around it allowing the creation of larger and larger echo chambers, but that’s probably fine as long as it’s managed to only be to a certain degree.

  • The problem to me isn’t so much that their hardware has been underpowered, that’s been a thing for like 20 years at this point, since the release of the gamecube or therabouts. The problem to me is that they’ve been incredibly unambitious this generation in terms of making their console something that has an appealing form factor compared to it’s potential competitors, not just in the ps5 and whatever the new xbox is, but with the mobile gaming handhelds like the steam deck, which can apparently pretty easily emulate most of the switch’s library and also serve a bunch of other functions.

    I know that the hardcore gaming audience really disliked the motion controls as a central gimmick of the wii, but I really thought it was fun, pretty decent, and that now, with the switch, the technology has actually become good and not a flickery unstable half-mess. The only motion control stuff I can think of is mario party, 1-2 switch, which is old and nobody played, and some aiming mechanics in other games like splatoon or the new zeldas. For a console that is as easily positioned for casual multiplayer as it is, they’ve been consistently very iffy with their output on that front. Combine this with a a resurgence of shitty management practices like their litigiousness, charging more for subscription based access to their older games library, charging for online play, and it’s kind of made me reticent to engage with the switch that I have and reluctant to engage with any new console they might put out.

    I’m also going to keep banging the drum that the switch is the most optimally positioned console for playing all of nintendo’s library. If they had wireless connectivity to the dock, probably the hardware wouldn’t be good enough to run it, but you could theoretically run both DS games and Wii U games. Obviously, the console’s already suited well for Wii games, and the rest of their backcatalogue before that. With only their recent library they could provide a pretty good alternative to actual emulation alternatives, but instead it seems they’d rather take a much less effective route.

    Also they could probably make it a pretty easy VR experience as they’ve shown with the cardboard shit they had, but fuck that I guess, easier just to do absolutely nothing.

  • I mean they’re literally just the guys who read about like, say, 4chan being bad, right, but then never actually use the site itself to see. I mean, yeah, if you go on /pol/ or /r9k/, and then scroll around for like 5 minutes, you can find some content that’s going to reinforce your bias that the site is kind of an ontologically evil fascist hellscape, but if you go on /mu/ it’s gonna be no more toxic than basically any other forum you could go on. It’s just people thoughtlessly parroting the narratives that they’ve heard from other people.

    I don’t like tiktok, I don’t like lemmy, I kind of hate social media even though it’s like infested my life because I have no self control, but I’m not gonna be like. This is such an epic pog moment! I’m so pegged outta my gourd! when it gets banned. Because I’ve used it, thoroughly, not just first glance, and I actually understand the pros and cons of the platform. These guys don’t have that, they only have like, the white stale wonderbread and wood chips of social media usage, they only have reddit, and even more libbed up privacy reddit, i.e. the most obvious and in your face social media platforms of all time that give you (ostensibly, in practice, it’s the opposite) a very high amount of control over what they’re seeing. Of course they hate tiktok. On top of the brainrot privacy concerns they all probably have, they’re gonna discard it on the basis that they don’t have the self-control to use its platform, and project that onto everyone else. It’s like a puritan hating coffee, or cocaine, without understanding that it’s a great morning drink, or without understanding that it makes pro wrestling promos wayyyyy fucking better.

  • I’d say I expected better but it’s becoming more obvious every day that lemmy is where the old and out of touch people migrated to.

    No yeah this whole deal is like. Just a bunch of mildly liberal gen X Linux users, basically, that think they’re hot shit because they were right about like half of their opinions like a decade ago and haven’t changed since. The amount of people hating on even basic shit like discord here is nuts.

    Get with the times, grandpa, we all use pirated windows LTSC with Microsoft activation scripts and various privacy and installation scripts! C’mon! We all use YouTube revanced grandpa! Libtube? What the fuck are you talking about?

  • The optimal sweet spot is probably like 40 meters or something, within 20 or 10 meters and the drone is probably in range to drop a grenade or explode, and becomes much harder to hit because it’s capable of making much quicker direction changes relative to where you’re standing even as it presents a larger target to you as a consequence of being closer, and a whole lot farther out, and birdshot can’t really cut it.

    Edit: Oh I was also gonna say, for indoor spaces, it’d maybe be not a good idea even just for hearing protection, but barring that, you could just opt for something lower velocity which you’d probably pack for this occasion if you’re defending a set location, and then just load what you need in like 2 seconds. I imagine most drones are going to be flying around above head height anyways, so the main worry would be debris and falloff. You can’t prevent debris from the drone really unless you have a net drone or something, and the falloff on the backend of a lower velocity or frangible birdshot with less mass is probably not super consequential except maybe in the case of eye protection. Some sort of ceramic bullet or maybe even steel bbs would probably work without doing too much damage. More than a drone, anyways. It’s not as though a drone that rams into another drone is a particularly safe thing, in any case.

  • These other people are pulling ya, the answer is yes, you can shoot them down, we have a full sport for it called skeet shooting. A drone can’t pivot out of the way in the 0.1 seconds it takes for you to pull the trigger and for the bird shot to travel and take it out. The biggest problem is the range of the gun (which isn’t that bad) and spotting the drone beforehand. The noise a drone of that size makes is not that much consider it could be like 40 or 50 feet up in the dead of night with no lights, buzz past you, drop a grenade down, kablooie. If the drone backs off or otherwise pivots to try to avoid getting shot, it probably couldn’t do what it was there to do anyways.

    Obviously, a big array of military industrial camera technology running in a big fence is going to be able to spot the drone pretty quick, but the video doesn’t focus on the tech there because presumably that’d be too interesting and probably the company would not like that.