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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • dejected_warp_core@lemmy.worldtovegan@lemmy.worldBarf.
    12 days ago

    Tofu chili was nasty. It’s probably a texture thing

    Even Mapo Tofu still has real meat in it for the right texture. For a 100% veggie option, you gotta go extra/ultra firm. I’ve only ever seen it at the local Korean grocer though - “American” grocery stores don’t carry stuff with the right texture. TVP might work too.

  • I’ll preface this by saying this shady shit gets all my hate.

    It’s tempting to opt for telematics/black box insurance because of the initial cheaper prices but the privacy violations and potential downsides make it not worth it.

    The overall problem here is that human psychology tends to frame this difference as a loss not a gain. Given the choice, people will see the cheaper option as the baseline, and then ask “can I afford to pay more for privacy?” instead of affirming “my privacy is not worth this discount.”

    Also, those of us that have paid for insurance without such a “discount”, are likely keenly aware of the difference. For new drivers, from now to here on out, the lack of past experience presents a new baseline where this awfulness is normalized. Competition between insurance providers won’t help us here since the “privacy free” option is still profitable and is enticing for new customers (read: younger, poorer). So it’ll take some kind of law, collective action, or government intervention to make this go away.

    Have fun fighting with your insurance to get them to remove anything from your record. […] If I had spyware insurance they would’ve dinged me for it.

    I think this is the bigger problem. If someone has the data an insurance company wants, you probably agreed to an EULA or signed something that makes their ownership, and its sale, legal. With the “yeah go ahead and use my data” option on the table, the machinery to do this without your knowledge is already in place. All the insurance provider has to do is buy the data from someone else. When the price is right, 1st party spyware isn’t required at all.

  • I would go to a different site to watch it/wouldn’t go to a movie theater for it.

    The internet really did change a lot of things away from how older generations view society. I think this point alone carries OP’s post - T&A in a movie isn’t exactly the draw it used to be. Even romantic content1 is easier to find on streaming than it was ever made popular on TV or movies.

    1 - For “trashy” romantic content, Anime is doing the heavy lifting these days.