They are and are actually enforced by the EU:
I’m still fascinated that “calibrated” glasses are not more common. In Germany, you won’t get any beer without any markings where the volume is indicated.üllstrich#/media/Datei%3AWeizenbier.jpg
What about cruise control? I used that CI in 2009 maybe earlier. Jenkins was a milestone, fair point but not the first CI
Jenkins was called Hudson already a long time after being a prototype. We used it productively already.
I heard good things about Newsblur. They offer a service and an open source version for self hosting
This is a great hint, thank you. I just discovered that the official restic docs recommend this method too
Thank you!
This might be a good idea. It would only work for files that allow read access for the group, but that should be fine
Restic uses smart Delta backups, creating a tar before the restic process would defeat the purpose. The permission issue is the same, as I need to have access to the Files either way.
Over the internet for file sync. Desktop devices.