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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • When the jaw opens, Eddie’s head tilts back.

    Like, in the meme Eddie would be eating everything Venom eats. That’s not what’s happening when Venom eats brains. It’s being enveloped and disgusted by the symbiote like how a single celled organism envelopes and digests food.

    It could even explain why Venom’s eyes are a long diagonal if Eddie needs to physically see. I think it might be more like the symbiote bond works both ways. Venom always sees what Eddie sees, and when Venom has his eyes out, Eddie just gets those signals sent to his brain.

    Which would also explain why venom would align his eye with Eddie’s in the first pic, even if that’s not always lined up like that.

  • “I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time, but at least you know it is genuine, not from the PR department,” he admitted.

    He’s been brainwashed by his fans if he thinks that somehow makes it better.

    Like, authenticy is good for good things, but it makes shitty things even shittier. It’s not a value that’s always good in every context. And the worst thing he could be doing is doubling down on his opinions and policy.

    If he left the company is the only way this would help, he wouldn’t even be a fall guy because most of this is entirely his fault

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toWhite People Twitter@sh.itjust.worksAm I old now?
    15 days ago

    Eh, most Millenials don’t have “wallets” like older generations had either.

    The giant 3-5 inch thick monstrosities.

    Even 20 years ago a lot of Gen X had made the switch to just a flat card hold with a couple 20s slid in.

    A Millenial with one of those would say they have a wallet. A Gen Z with the same thing would say they had a card holder.

    So I think a big part of this is just language evolving.

  • Yeah, I think that was the reasoning.

    But they forgot that life finds a way and the hybrids wouldn’t just stay where they put them.

    They not only outcompete European hives, they’ll straight up raid and destroy other hives stealing their young.

    Because their African half evolved in a resource scarce environment. If they run across other bees they view it as a direct threat on their resources. Pretty sure it also causes them to establish new hives much further away than European bees. Which is why they keep spreading so fast.

    I’m just glad no one’s tried to crossbreed honey badgers with wolves to combat the hybrid bees yet.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toAsk Science@lemmy.worldWhy are honeybee stingers barbed?
    15 days ago

    Workers and queens are female.

    A young female when given royal jelly triggers it becoming a queen and reproductive organs instead of a stinger.

    The males are drones. They have male reproductive organs instead of stingers, and they just hang out and try to bone the queen.

    But the worker bees are the ones that actually, you know, do the work.

    So that’s why European bees won’t “swarm” someone and all sting them. You get a few warning shots and a chance to retreat, just moving away is enough for it to stop.

    Meanwhile, African bees had to deal with shit like honey badgers. And as we’re all aware, the honey badger gives very little fucks about anything.

    So they don’t half ass defense, they send out a shit ton of bees that won’t stop until the threat is chased away and keeps running away. If they didn’t the honey badger wouldnt even notice.

    Then some genius decided to cross breed the species, and we get “Africanized killer bee” that treat everything they come across as a honey badger.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toAsk Science@lemmy.worldWhy are honeybee stingers barbed?
    15 days ago

    When the stinger gets pulled out of the bee, the sac with the venom comes out too, still attached to the singer

    Attempts to remove it injects more venom.

    The life of the bee is worth less than the increased deterrent to animals attacking the hive.

    The life of a handful of bees really isn’t worth much at all to the hive. So even when there’s no longer giant ass bears going after hives, there’s not a lot of pressure for the bee to lose the barb.


    It’s also important to remember that evolution isn’t just competing against predators/prey. It’s competing against competitors too.

    If one hive of bees has barbs and worse stings than the one next to it, the one without barbs is gonna get attacked.

    So the barbs don’t have to be enough to convince predators that honey is never worth the sting, just that this honey is more painful to get than that honey.

    Overtime the less painful honey may be pushed out of the local ecosystem. At which point it’s just barbed bees, and the cycle might start over again with another way stings are more painful.

  • The more desperate someone is, the less they’re able to plan ahead and evaluate options.

    They’re focused on the short term and only plan to avoid short term negatives.

    The people who get irrationally upset when you ask for more out of the Dem party are great examples of that. They’re so stressed and afraid that everything becomes a binary choice of two options that can’t be I fluenced in any way

    It’s basic psychology and why Republicans went from Nixon resigning because he knew voters wouldn’t tolerate his illegal actions to modern day trumpets.

    The same thing will happen to the Dem party if we walk down the same path as the Republican party.

    And thats what the rich want.

    Its why WB bought CNN, their board members flat out said it.

  • Yeah, we didn’t get healthcare, we got a penalty for not being able to afford insurance…

    I get people being excited for any progress back then, I was too.

    But it’s 16 years later and now we want from both parties presenting plans to improving it, to one party trying to burn it down and one insisting asking for progress is worse than burning it down…

    People just treat it like a team sport now. If you’re not praising their pick, it means you picked the other team.

    Meanwhile I’m just out here advocating for the fundamentals.

    Like, what did happen to the picks and roll?

  • There are plenty of Democrats in Congress that would like to continue to improve healthcare, but the Dems don’t have the numbers - particularly in the House - to pass further reform.

    So you’re saying therenis both “plenty” but also “not enough”?

    That doesn’t make logical sense to me…

    I’m saying not everyone Dem in office really wants to fix healthcare, as evident as there seems to always be just enough against progress to stop progress.

    And that logically it’s a safe assumption there’s even more that would oppose progress if they had to, they just don’t want to publicly oppose it unless they’re forced to.

    So we basically have two choices.

    1. Be reactive and keep assuming every Dem supports the party platform until they personally pull a Joe Manchin

    2. Be proactive and make sure the people on our team our really on our team before we have to rely on them. So that when we have the House, Senate, and presidency we can accomplish stuff.

    But if you want to talk politics and healthcare, there’s one party that’s made any real effort at improvement in the last 2 decades, and it’s the Democrats.

    And they got a more conservative version of Mitt Romney’s plan passed…

    And have spent over a decade opposi g we improve it up to at least where the Republican presidential candidate was 16 years ago…

    That’s not enough dawg

    Voters want more, they deserve more. So why not give voters a candidate that agrees so that we can easily prevent fascists from getting elected?

    I don’t see any downsides to the Dem party running Dem politicians that agree with Dem voters.

  • We got a shitty version of Republican healthcare reform, and Republicans and moderates refuse to admit we need anything more.

    Republicans want to tear it down

    And “moderates” say asking for more is somehow worse than being a Republican.

    Shits not getting better till will finally get neoliberal.politicians out of the Dem party and back where they came from: the Republican party.

    I don’t know why people act like they don’t understand opening the “left party” up to “fiscally conservative moderates” just concentrates all the crazy in the Republican party and depresses turnout from the right.

    If you’re trying to stop facism, we’re taking the wrong path.

    If you’re trying to make sure the wealthy always win tho, yeah, this makes sense. But the fascists are going to keep winning half the time.

    When they could be winning 0% of the time if we just gave Dem voters candidates they want. Because any “moderate” voters that go R, are statistically insignificant.

    They’re just loud and insist they’re always right. Theyre Karen’s.

    And we need to go back to just ignoring them.

  • givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    toSelfhosted@lemmy.worldNever buy .xyz
    16 days ago

    Yeah, dude tried to open his own personal Netflix and is surprised it got taken down.

    From post history he managed to keep it up for less than a month.

    I’m betting by “friends” he meant either online friends he’s never met, or people he wanted to impress.

    So they gave zero fucks and handed it out to more people. Like, just the idea that you’re giving it to so many people that you actually buy a domain?

    There’s a reason everyone isn’t already doing it already.