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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I’m aware of 802.11 lol, But i’m wondering about papers or sources talking about the feasibility/usability of bouncing it off of the ionosphere using something like shortwave to achieve the objective originally stated.

    What makes 802.11 effective is that it exists in the GHz band and as a result it can move a lot of data very quickly, but you need a low frequency to allow a radio signal to be reflected back to earth without escaping into space instead, so speeds would suffer greatly. Just wondering if there are proposals on how to make it usable in the low frequency bands so that you could reflect it back to earth and also not have to wait 7 years for an image to load.

    Furthermore for this to work you would need a relatively high powered radio setup on your end to send messages back to the source youre receiving from if you don’t intend to just receive data.

  • No worries. The cost here is disk space as GAMMA is built on top of the free Anomaly game. In total, it looks like its costing me 89.3 GB of storage on an NVME, and they do recommend an SSD at least for the games (that total includes S.T.A.L.K.E.R Anomaly, and GAMMA).

    Anomaly can be obtained here https://www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly, and I believe you can get GAMMA from this discord https://discord.com/invite/stalker-gamma.

    Follow the install instructions on the GAMMA discord when it comes to both Anomaly and GAMMA, they are pretty straight forward, and they have free support!

    I think you would be impressed by the AI, it is some of the best enemy AI I have ever experienced. They peek corners just like a player would. The other day when I was playing, an enemy peeked a corner in front of me, shot me and immediately went back behind the corner. I walked into the building that they had peeked around and looked out of a window to see if I could spot them. The AI had backed up behind cover and was holding the corner they had peeked, not moving at all.

    Never seen AI that smart in any game in my life, if I had walked around that corner, I would have been dead!

    While the game is unforgiving and there is a fairly steep learning curve, it is one of the most incredible games I have played in my life, again, for free!

    Let me know how it goes if you give it a shot :)

  • Sure, i2p or the invisible internet project is a FOSS project which acts as an anonymous network anyone can potentially access, and host on.

    It does this by creating end to end encrypted peer to peer tunnels between its users and then sending data through itself via a path between some of the 50,000+ volunteers that make up the project. The path data takes is random so a third party seeing any communication in full is highly unlikely, and even at that, its still encrypted.

    The software that implements this is the i2p router, and when using the i2p router you become a node on the network like everyone else using it, allowing pieces of anyone’s data to move through your router, just as your data moves through theirs.

    The UX/UI is very good for new users and makes it easy to access, or host. Particularly, to my understanding, i2p is also very popular for torrenting due to the nature of how it works (in comparison to similar projects such as tor, there is an entire built in solution for torrenting included with i2p).