Thanks for that I have been considering a foldable and the creaae doesn’t worry me but how’s the durability ?
Betwixed and between
Thanks for that I have been considering a foldable and the creaae doesn’t worry me but how’s the durability ?
What a ball grab my dude… What is the plan ?
Wtf ever happened to Firefish ?
If the Government issues an order to remove a post that says “Don’t Get vaccinated and pray instead” vs “you called our President/King/Autocrat a cnut, so your post should be removed and your ID passed on so you can be prosecuted” are both having the govenrmt intervene, most sane people in democracies would be ok with the former but not the latter.
As an Australian I was NOT ok with the Australian governments esafety commissioner trying their stunt with Twitter. I find it doubly amazing the continued use of the service by any of our politicians , fcuk them. Set up a Mastodon instance and use that ffs.
The Australian Government issued a bunch of take down notices to Twitter and Musk said no
Musk decided to block them in Australian only which didn’t satisfy the Australian Government
He took them to court and the court sided with Twitter, (x)
The complexity and contradictions were illustrated by Tim Begbie, the lawyer representing the eSafety Commissioner in court. He said that in other cases X had chosen of its own accord to remove content, but that it resisted the order from the Australian government.
“X says […] global removal is reasonable when X does it because X wants to do it, but it becomes unreasonable when it is told to do it by the laws of Australia,” Begbie told the court.
Is there a list for people like me rk be added to ?
—> doesn’t know shit about much of anything but prepared to comment anyway
I jsut stream radio music in genres I like. There’s like a zillion different stations out there.
I use RadioDroid from F Droid.
Its like Windows, add shit in, then take it away then reintroduce it some time later as a new must have feature and assume we goldfish won’t remember.
??? No such App found is all I get. Do I need to add another repo to find it ?
Yeah but I’d be be out, hear a song, download it and then it’s on my playlist minutes later as an MP3.
Newpipe does M4A only AFAIK (recommended by another user)
I thought Sauia Arabia put up a shed load of cash as well ?
Elon had a cunning plan
VPN exit nodes ?
Not since the 1980s on a Commodore 64.
Cook saying its still the biggest in metropolitan areas.
FF 5 years, he’ll be saying it’s still the biggest in this one suburb in this one city…
Here in Australia the Honor V2 (older version, V3 just announced) is $200 less then the just announced Z Fold 6, then there are discounts and trade in to reduce the Fold 6’s RRP
I don’t know how much the Honor V3 will be.
Am I the only one that never has BT swit he’d on ? 99.9% of the time it’s off.
I don’t use wirleias headphones and don’t have much use for BT at all…
To be clear, health should be a human right, housing should be a human right, food should be under health as a human right but let’s be serious it should be a separate human right so everyone has to acknowledge
Around the world 9million is so die every year from starvation (some 25,000 a day, many of them children) another 9 milion or so from air pollution, driving cars and.m burning fossil fuels. 50 kids a week are backed over in cars in the US alone, that’s just backed over. Guns are the #1 killer of children , cars #2 in the US
50 US kids killed by Muslim terrorists, spend a trillion and invade, but good 'ol boys in trucks? make the trucks bigger and have at it… but can’t spend a trillion to build good public transport and cycle ways so people.don’t need to kill kids in cars.?
I think it’s not unreasonable to suggest we don’t really give a shit about “human rights”… anywhere in the world.
Professor David Boyd expressed it well when he was tasked by the UN to try and raise awareness about some of this with Governments around the world and as he said, he couldn’t get a single eyebrow raised anywhere in the world
Outgoing special rapporteur David Boyd says ‘there’s something wrong with our brains that we can’t understand how grave this is’
Arch is it, u know this :)
I hope it languishes around 3-4% at most, if it does get 7%-10% enshitification inevitably ensues and it will grow more and get worse