Hahaha. Flip flops lol
Hahaha. Flip flops lol
I honestly don’t recall any other developer ever saying this before.
What was said by the media?
I guess I’m crazy thinking we should just help them to do what they need to do to become citizens. I work with a few undocumented men and they are just doing what I’m doing, working to take care of my family.
Looks like someone is trying to be a “chef” and failed.
Anyone know what was said by this dude that pissed people off?
Looks fun. I cracked up when dude shot the deer thing and the blood exploded. I’ll definitely check this out.
Don’t rely on anything
Well no, it’s an ad for the doc.
To be fair, calling a politician will do fuck all to change a law, unless you have a giant bag of money, which Google and apple have.
No it doesn’t
You know LGC stands for my Lil Ginger Cock
Just come out and say you want my LGC
So trash website, got it.
I seen them but I seen a bunch of them and didn’t know which one was for the article I was reading. Lol
Who goes to the mall?
Either a shit article or shit website. The article gives a summary of the game then says the developers don’t trust their customers. That’s it. No reasons given. Am I missing something?
Also need to stop the “oil burner” trade
They are also delicious.
Remember when you had to beat the game to unlock characters?