I’ve been running one with a dozen or more users on bare metal at home for the last two years. A little bit of spam but otherwise fine. No deliverability issues or anything.
I jumped off Reddit’s cliff and landed here just like many other Lemmings.
I’ve been running one with a dozen or more users on bare metal at home for the last two years. A little bit of spam but otherwise fine. No deliverability issues or anything.
Show me a reboot that doesn’t suck
I would argue modern MacOS is not “bad software” per se, it’s just nothing to write home about. Back in the heyday you describe, it was innovative and quite spectacular compared to the competition. Nowadays it’s rivals are better featured in many respects, but it still does everything it needs to.
They acquired K-9 Mail a year ago or so, but it’s still K-9 Mail. There’s plans and a roadmap, but not much has happened that the end user can see, yet.
It’s alright. Personal preference has me sticking with Linux, and I’ll never touch Windows with a ten foot pole if I can avoid it, but MacOS is certainly commendable.
Before I went Linux, I daily drove hackintoshes for a decade or so - back when the hardware was bad and the software was first class. Now it’s the other way around!
If Asahi ever get their kernel perfect, I’m definitely buying a modern MacBook Pro. No doubt about it.
It really does just sort of “work”.
“Sorry, there was a problem. (Error code 0x0000fkn69)”
Nothing Microsoft makes ever works.
And one of the last major holdouts from web 1.0 :(
I just bought a Wii and a 3DS a year or two ago for the first time. CFW on both of them and packed them full of games. Had a blast.
In ten years I’ll probably do the same with the switch.