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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Basically carbs and fat give you energy, if we’re talking the literal term. I think protein does too but it’s less.

    But stimulants do unlock mental resources. I believe caffeine induces a fight or flight state (what I’ve heard; haven’t studied this), one aspect of which is the body decides to make more energy available at the cost of faster breakdown.

    Dopaminergic stimulants give your body the sense it’s pursuing something important. So the same zap of released resources called “motivation” that you’d get if you suddenly realized your favorite person in the world is outside, you can also get by taking adderall or cocaine.

  • I take my consent from the dog. You’re its caretaker, friend, and family. None of that means the dog’s incompetent to decide and communicate desire to be touched.

    edit: I should be more clear. I ask for permission from the owner. I say “Can I say hi to your dog?”

    Then I say hi by putting my hand out to smell. Then if the dog wants a pet, I’ll pet the dog.

    Permission to approach from the owner, but consent to pet from the dog.

  • They named it after gazelle, which is a herd prey animal. That causes it to slip away from attention when it’s mentioned.

    If they’d called in Bonko or something it would stand out in people’s memories more. Bonko, bright orange icon, it would spread by wildfire. Nobody would forget that name.

    There are no hard consonants in the word. Synaesthetically, it’s a blue-purple word. Cool, muted. It’s a word that, even before the “gazelle” reference, is hiding there. Your mind slips over it without friction. It enters and leaves your mouth and your mind like a fish passing under the sparkling water, nearly unnoticed.

    Terrible brand name. I mean, it does convey a little more safety than “Bonko” but the whole point with the unsafe sounding name is it causes the person to consciously ask “How safe is it?” and if you can answer that immediately with “Safer than Ft Knox” then it becomes part of the brand consciously.

    Zelle is non-threatening, but that’s not the same thing as safe when it comes to business or finances.

    What’s a good safe, energetic, competent, orange word for this service? Hmm. Bonus points if it’s intuitively self-descriptive.

    How about “Paytag”. It’s yellow but whatever. Still might not be better than Bonko.

  • It’s a gaslighting attempt.

    He keeps discovering moisture in his bag, he’s gonna go looking for causes. No causes seem to make any sense, so then he starts thinking maybe bags are always moist and he never noticed before. Maybe not exactly this path, but it will be some escalating set of irrationalities developing as he tries to reconcile what he’s seeing.

    Even when a person knows they’re being gaslit, unless they manage to escape the situation with concrete action, it will still degrade their sanity.

    In this case, he was lucky enough that she was doing something that could be caught on film easily, and he was fortunate that he actually took the steps to figure out how it was happening.

    In other words, he trusted his gut that it wasn’t accidental, and then he gathered evidence to resolve the ambiguity. He handled this correctly, and successfully escaped the damage that gaslighting normally causes.