Why do you think that?
Why do you think that?
That sounds cool, I’ve had roles that were heavy on data cleansing, although never on something so interesting. What languages / frameworks are used for transforming the data, I understand if you can’t go into too much detail.
I did wonder how much software engineers contribute in the field, it’s the scientists doing the really interesting stuff when it comes to AI? Not surprisingly I guess 😂
I’m a full stack engineer, I was thinking of getting into contracting, now I’m not so sure, I don’t know enough about AI’s potential coding capabilities to know whether I should be concerned about job security in the short, or long term.
Getting involved in AI in some capacity seems like a smart move though…
What do you do exactly in AI? I’m a software engineer interested in getting involved.
If you use home assistant, nabu casa has an ”Assist Sattelite” voice-kit hardware platform in the pipeline, I’m hoping to replace all my Alexa’s once available.
Details in the top post here: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/respeaker-lite-new-seeed-studio-voice-assistant-development-kit-hardware-combine-esp32-with-xmos-xu316-dsp-chip-for-advanced-audio-processing-as-a-esphome-based-home-assistant-assist-satellite-voice-devkit/756944/321
There’s a patent post on Reddit recently too, I won’t link that 😂