• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • In April, a neurosurgery team from the Mount Sinai Health System placed one of Precision’s devices containing four electrode-containing films—totaling 4,096 electrodes—onto the brain of a patient who was having surgery to remove a benign brain tumor. While the patient was asleep with their skull opened, Precision researchers used their four electrode arrays to successfully record detailed neuronal activity from an area of approximately 8 square centimeters of the brain.

    This isn’t even their final form.

  • Meh. I really disliked Dead Space 2. The time altering ability made the game too easy so I didn’t put any points into it. Then I get to that one regen boss where you have to use it to open a flippin’ door before it smashes you. Really dumb to have an optional ability that becomes mandatory for like one part of the game (and to open a dang door at that). I never got past that door, and I never completed the game.

    The first Dead Space is awesome though, but I’m not sad there won’t be a third fourth(???). Never would have bought it because the ability tomfoolery in the second.

  • IMO the industry as a whole has breached the “trust thermocline” by consistently releasing broken unfinished games. There aren’t as many people that will buy a game at release, and would rather wait for the bugs to fixed and buy it at a discount a year or so later; or, it’s realized the bugs will never be fixed and no one buys it.

    Also with the realization that digital copies (that aren’t installed on your own HDD) can be taken from you at a whim. I think most people are fed up with it, and are sticking to games they already have or just not playing at all.

  • I haven’t personally tried them, but there are a lot of monitors on Amazon that are meant for Raspberry-Pi’s. I was looking at them myself but I instead decided to get an old monitor for free off of Freecycle. I made a post there and a bunch of people offered a bunch of old ones they weren’t using any more (like the ubiquitous Samsung 720N).

    Also, I already have a second monitor but it’s too narrow for discord; as in the window can’t be made small enough. Maybe it’s just a GNOME thing, but I’m not sure discord will ‘fit’ on those small screens.