This account is being kept for the posterity, but it won’t see further activity past February.

If you want to contact me, I’m at /u/

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2021


  • Let’s go simpler: what if your instance was allowed to copy the fed/defed lists from other instances, and use them (alongside simple Boolean logic plus if/then statements) to automatically decide who you’re going to federate/defederate with? That would enable caracoles and fedifams for admins who so desire, but also enable other organically grown relations.

    For example. Let’s say that you just joined the federation. And there are three instances that you somewhat trust:

    • Alice - it defederates only really problematic instances.
    • Bob and Charlie - both are a bit prone to defederate other instances on a whim, but when both defed the same instance it’s usually problematic.

    Then you could set up your defederation rules like this:

    • if Alice defed it, then defed it too.
    • else, if (Bob defed it) and (Charlie defed it), then defed it too.
    • else, federate with it.

    Of course, that would require distinguishing between manual and automatic fed/defed. You’d be able to use the manual fed/defed from other instances to create your automatic rules, to avoid deadlocks like “Alice is blocking it because Bob is blocking it, and Bob is blocking it because Alice is doing it”.

  • You’re really, really craving for attention, aren’t you?

    …usually I don’t bother with this idiotic “I dun unrurstand lol lmao XD haha” conveying “I expect you to waste your time explaining obvious shit over and over while I pretend to not understand what you say”. But since I’m in a really good mood, just this once I’ll bite. I don’t think that you’re able to follow either, but other users will and I think that this is a good example of the problem with witch hunters.

    “But gassing vermin!!11 Infestation! lol” - then find some elements prompting the player to conflate the vermin with Jewish people, or any other victim of the Holocaust. Things like this:

    • Is the player’s avatar dressed in a way reminiscent of the Schutzstaffel? No. Compare this with this.
    • Are the rooms recognisably similar to gas chambers used in the Holocaust? No. (inb4 “bUt BoTh ArE CrEePy LoL” is grasping at straws)
    • Does the vermin in question resemble a caricature Jewish person? No; it’s Mickey Bloody Mouse dammit. And from other screenshots you have a moth and some tumour thing too.
    • Posters painting fascist slogans, symbols, or discourses in a positive light? So far I saw none.
    • et cetera.

    Do it. Find those elements. Or elements that are similar in spirit. The burden of the proof is in the one claiming the connection, in this case you.

    Without those elements, gassing vermin is simply gassing vermin, and the one creating the association between vermin and Jewish people is you, not the devs.

    “88 gives it context” - nope. You need to link them. If they were showing that 88 with fireworks right after you got rid of a rat, then perhaps it would give you the context to interpret that rat as a Jewish person.

    Also worth repeating that this association is undesirable for the developers, as shown by the fact that they changed the name of the game to “Infestation: Origins”. But hey, this contradicts your assumption, and it prevents you from rolling in certainty like a pig would roll in filth, so it gets “conveniently” (dishonestly) ignored, right?

    The above is already enough to address your idiotic point. But I’ll go further, because I’m predicting that you’re going to grasp at straws.

    “But the Discord…” - they already paused discussions there until they get better moderation; that shows that they do not condone whatever was happening there. (They probably got some nazi with the same sort of reading comprehension as you [zero] assuming that he was in good company.)

    “But all those pieces of evidence in Twitter! So many things, it must be a sure sign!” The “evidence” being shared there is ridiculous:

    counting the space “Infestation 88” is 14 keystrokes.

    This is numerology tier idiocy.

    [associating TG·44 SST with STG 44, one of the assault rifles used by the Nazi in the war]

    Yeah, sure - pick anything written, shuffle it enough, omit some characters, be very accepting on what you’re matching it with, and you’ll get whatever you want out of it.

    And, rewatching the trailer, the found footage section is October 13, 1988 // Meaning the date would end in 13/88, which is SUSPICIOUSLY close, especially if you would be playing AFTER this point.

    Not only “13 is close to 14, this must be a sign of an enemy Stand!” is already a silly stretch on its own, but the date being displayed in the picture doesn’t even follow that idiotic M/D/Y order. It’s displayed in Y/M/D (1988 Oct, 13). Good motherfucking luck associating 88/10/13 with 14/88.

    “1-4 players, in 88, taking on an “outbreak of vermin in various locations”.”

    This was as a reply to a screenshot showing In the year 1988, what was thought to be an outbreak of vermin in varioues locations morphed into something far more sinister. Infestation 88 is an episodic, 1-4 player co- [cut off]

    …do I really need to highlight how fucking stupid this is? 1-4 players is fairly common in games, and the text in the screeshot does no effort to align that “1-4” in a way that you’d read “1-4 88”. The one doing it is actually Fagundes himself.

    Theyve [SIC] been creating horror games since 2010. But at the bottom, copyright 2024. // 14 year difference.

    More numerology tier crap.

    Yup. There is a REASON to use THIS public domain character, and it ain’t a good one.

    As a reply to “Let’s also not forget Disney himself was an anti-Semite.”

    If the devs are supposed to be anti-Semite, then why the hell would they represent the brainfart of an anti-Semite as the enemy???

  • He’s clearly a witch. I’m going to denounce him. Right now.

    • “avater” has six letters. “lemmy” and “world” have five each, suspiciously close to six. His username is almost a literal 666.
    • “I had an 88 in my old email address back in the days cause you know I’m born 1988” has the exact letters, in the right order, that allow you to spell “heil [name of the devil]”.
    • He wrote the number “8” four times. Eight symbolises new beginnings, regeneration, and resurrection; he’s signalising to be full converted to satanism.
    • He’s German. You know how Germany is known as? Birthplace of Protestantism, one of the major heresies against Christianity. How much do you bet that he worships Luther, Mammon, Calvin and Asmodeus???
    • Being German also means that he’s from the same place as that witchcraft band called Faun. I bet that he already heard Walpurgisnacht on the radio. Perhaps he even likes the band. Or did no effort to call them out. (If you sit with witches then you’re a witch too)

    There are simply too many obvious signs of him being a witch. Sure, one or another might be coincidence, but all of them?

    I hope that someone publish this in a sensationalist news site. Then other people will find further evidence that he’s a witch.

    He could prove his innocence, though. Witches float, honest people sink, so w could put a 20kg stone around his neck and throw him into the river. Of course he won’t accept it, witches do not want to be outed as witches.

    By the way, anyone trying to defend him is just trying to cover a witch. They’re probably dancing partners in the Hexennacht (German for “the devil child-eating ritual”)


  • If you want, you could use GMail filters to delete those emails automatically. Here’s how:

    1. click the engine button (settings), then “see all settings”, then “filters and blocked addresses”.
    2. click “create a new filter”. Add “top of Google search” to the field “has the words”, leave other fields blank.
    3. click “create filter”, then check the “delete it” box, then “create filter” again.
    4. repeat steps 2-3 for other shit that SEO spam is likely to mention.

    Important: never use as a filter anything that legitimate users might reasonably say. Only things that you’re fairly certain to come from a spammer.

    EDIT: I repeated two steps without noticing it. My bad.

  • I got your examples, but tone down your nationalistic bubbling - fascism is a global issue, and yet you’re framing it specifically into USA politics, as if other users were necessarily expected to be American.

    In part because they are generally too chicken shit to say anything.

    It’s because they’re generally too chicken shit that they avoid dogwhistles, and actually say it - using a dogwhistle actually increases their odds to be detected and called out.

    Here’s a real example of that, from Reddit’s r/againsthatesubreddits.

    TW: transphobia

    This thread links a lot of transphobic replies to a r/trueunpopularopinion thread called “Pronouns should not be enforced as they are now.”

    When you look at what the users say, on a discursive level, you find “wonderful”[/sarcasm] things like this:

    If my name is Phil and has always been Phil, and you flip a switch on your head to decide that it is your human right I call you Joe, you are not a victim when I am naturally confused, all you are is schizophrenic.)

    The user is clearly associating trans people and changing one’s social identity with mental illness, that’s transphobic per excellence. And yet the nearest of a dogwhistle that you could claim is that he used the word “schizophrenic”.

    Should we take “schizophrenic” as a dogwhistle? Well, then let’s put Mayo Clinic as potential spiritual successor to Mein Kampf. [/sarcasm]

    And if someone says “Mayo Clinic doesn’t have the context to read it as a dogwhistle” - if you’re already going to use the context to dictate meaning, might as well ditch the concept of dogwhistle, and look for what they say.

    And while there are “false positives”, those are almost all immediately resolved with “yo dog. Uhm… I get you are in your mid 30s but you may want to stop putting your birth year in posts” and a “… holy fuck. Fucking nazis”.

    From my experience, that is far from true. Those people finding false positives will usually insist that the other is a Nazi, to the point of irrationality. Often doing things like I criticised Josh Fagundes (check the Twitter link in the OP) doing, and trying to justify their false positive as a true positive by grasping at straws.

    It’s like witch hunting - once you get labelled a witch, it doesn’t really matter if you’re a witch or not, you’re going to be treated as one.

    As for “false negatives”: Okay? Some fascists will be undetected with or without acknowledging their “super secret code” of dog whistling.

    “Some”? No. More like “a lot of fascists”. Because you’re looking for a super secret code while they’re saying things in the open.

    Also, note that trying to decrease the amount of false negatives will increase the amount of false positives, and vice versa. So those issues are interconnected.

    EDIT: about your example:

    “yo dog. Uhm… I get you are in your mid 30s but you may want to stop putting your birth year in posts” and a “… holy fuck. Fucking nazis”.

    That is not how it usually happens. It’s usually like this:

    • [Alice] you put a 88 in your posts, so I you’re probably a Nazi. Fuck off Nazi.
    • [Bob] No, that’s my birth year. …holy fuck, fucking nazis. I’m removing the “88”.
    • [Alice] Trying to hide yourself, Bob the Nazi? I’m not stupid! (implied: “I can’t be wrong!”)
    • [Charlie] Alice said that Bob is a Nazi who uses 88 dogwhistles. He’s probably a Nazi.
    • [Dan] Alice and Charlie said that Bob is a Nazi. Both. He’s a Nazi for sure. (implied: ad populum fallacy)

    You see a low-key version of that in this very thread, with Josh being a low-key version of Alice.

  • Well sure, but people use dog whistles so it’s important to recognize them.

    Fascists don’t need to use dogwhistles to call each other. And they often don’t use them, specially not the best known dogwhistles - because it’s like saying “I’m a fascist lololol please kick my arse!”.

    As such, when you look for dogwhistles, you’re bound to get

    • lots of false positives - someone being mislabelled a fascist because they used the same symbol to convey something else;
    • lots of false negatives - fascists slipping past your radar, because they didn’t use the dogwhistles that you trained yourself to identify

    It’s simply not a good way to find and get rid of them. Unlike looking at what they’re saying “in the big picture”; that’s always reliable because they need to convey their shitty discourses if they want to spread them.

    Context can be important but sometimes it’s subtle

    Context is always important. And as a general rule (not failproof): if you’re actively looking for the context and it’s still too subtle for you, then odds are that it’s too subtle for the fascists to get it too.

    (Note: I’m talking about “fascists” here but it also applies to other shitty groups of people.)