I just wanted to confirm from our meeting just now, did you want me to (some crazy shit that could cause problems)?

  • 34 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2024

  • mozz@mbin.grits.devtoWhite People Twitter@sh.itjust.worksNumb.
    10 hours ago

    It’s just part of an engineered drumbeat of various reasons not to vote for Biden. He’s the worst president for leftists in a whole generation. Okay actually he’s the opposite of that, but he can’t beat Trump. Okay he could have beat Trump but now he’s too old and can’t beat him anymore, and now we need someone else. I’m just pointing out all these problems because I want to help the Democrats. Now here are 10 different bad things that Biden did (of which it turns out, on examination, that he only did 2 of them and those 2 have asterisks). See, I’m helping the left!

    None of it makes any acknowledgement that Trump will be actively destructive to the goals they say they care about, in a way that’s a hundred times worse than even the most outlandish of the false things they said about Biden. And, if the DNC did decide to replace Biden with Andrew Yang or Kamala Harris or Bernie Sanders, or fucking Che Guevara for that matter, they would instantly pivot to saying it is SUPER PROBLEMATIC that Bernie said this thing about trans people in 1988, and anyway he’s too old to appeal to most Americans, and he screwed up this other thing last week, and anyway bottom line I’m staying home, I could never vote for a fake leftist millionaire who lives up in some rich person’s community up in New England and I’m voting for Cornel West and you should too.

    It’s all just a bunch of shit. I mean, in this case they actually have something genuine to load into the cannon (Biden really did do a pretty incredibly poor job at the debate and it’s a real problem). But that’s not why they are firing the cannon this week. They are firing it because it’s Sunday and every day that ends in a Y from now until November is a good day to fire off the cannon.

  • mozz@mbin.grits.devtoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldHDD data recovery
    2 days ago

    You’re going to think I am joking but I am not. Multiple people have sworn to me that this works for a common failure mode of HDD drives and I’ve literally never heard someone say they tried it and it failed. I’ve never tried it. Buyer beware. Don’t blame me if you fuck up your drive / your computer it’s connected to / anything else even worse by doing this:

    1. Stick it in the freezer for a short while.
    2. Take it out.
    3. Boot it up.
    4. If it works, get all the data off it as quick as you can.

  • Yeah. Most of them are like that - coverage of the protest. Or, some have coverage of the wrong “antisemitism” reaction to the violence, which obviously is relevant, without for some reason singling out only Biden’s rendition of it (e.g. including Newsom or Bass etc).

    (Actually - the thing I really wish they would do is report on the “antisemitism” accusation and then break down exactly why it is wrong. Every single Lemmy commenter - or the vast majority of them - can read the coverage and explain why them singling out this synagogue for this protest had nothing to do with Judaism (it was actually in ozma’s story, I think, that the pro-Israel side actually also attacked a rabbi who was trying to break it up). So… why can’t the journalists figure that out?)

    Actually, if you take out the New York Times and Forbes, almost no one decided to include Biden front and center in their headline about it.

  • Sure, let me rephrase: No legitimate reason

    I actually do agree that “and then Biden went on Twitter and said some dumb shit about it” is an important addition to make to the story. I just don’t think it is two of the most important nine words that the New York Times would want to communicate about the protest, and I think it’s notable that it forms such a huge feature in the (again 100% accurate) narrative about the Western media doing its thing and lying about Palestine and Palestine protestors.

    Actually - I would be pretty confident that a random sampling of all the stories in the media would show most of them simply covering the protest, and that only a small number which then were included in this screenshot featured the word “Biden.” Maybe I am wrong but that would be my guess.

  • It became associated with aggressive internet shutins bleating about Pickle Rick and the szechuan sauce, although it’s hard to tell where exactly the line was between “these guys are losers yelling and being obnoxious at McDonalds,” and “stop cyberbullying we’re all just internet weirdos who like a funny cartoon and that is fine.” And then, Justin Roiland had some kind of sex abuse allegations and the worm turned and the world is officially supposed to hate Rick and Morty now, I think.

    I mean, allegedly. I’m with you; some of it is still some great funny shit.

  • political extremists, tech nerds, privacy enthusiasts, and shitposters

    Dude thank god

    I miss my old nerd internet. I won’t say you’re wrong for wanting something that isn’t that, but I personally wish it was more that way than it currently is. SDF or mander is honestly a lot closer to how I like the culture and interactions to be, than Lemmy.world. I was super psyched when I came on and there were all these communists and science weirdos.

    for the general masses? Lemmy is just not good.

    For example, a NBA post on the NBA subreddit can get you thousands of interactions in a couple of hours. An NBA post on here will maybe get you a dozen over the course of a couple of days.

    Honestly, when sports started showing up on the main page of Reddit it was confusing and alarming to me. I recognize that I am the weird one here (from the POV of the ordinary person society), but I much prefer just having my nerd stuff and having it be unencumbered by any normal person stuff

    I think we actually have exactly the same view of Lemmy and its accurate position in relation to most normal people, just disagreeing over whether that is or isn’t a good thing

  • Debian is mine and has been for decades + I’m a little bit happy to see it’s still well represented / well thought of in the community. Everything works, and you can choose new + exciting with headaches sometimes, or old + stable with no headaches but old.

    Only real issue is the package management hasn’t kept pace with node / python / go / everything else wanting to do its own little mini package management, and so very occasionally that side is a little bit of a mess

    NixOS I would like to try at some point as the core philosophy seems a little more suited to the modern (Docker / pip / etc) era, but I never messed with it

  • I have a private theory, for which I have absolutely 0 evidence, that the forces of the establishment have some way of sneaking stupid unpopular things or phrases into the left’s discourse which the left then seizes and runs with, much to the establishments’s delight. E.g. renaming the Green Party the Green-Rainbow Party, climate activists attacking famous artworks, things like that.

    I have 0 evidence for this, as applied to “defund the police” or anything else. Actually I sort of suspect that “defund the police” was an original creation of the ACAB contingent which meant exactly what it sounds like, that got retconned by more sensible but still reform-minded people into meaning “more properly fund everything else” for exactly the reasons we’re discussing. But as a general rule I suspect (again, with 0 evidence) that some of what you’re talking about actually comes from deliberate sabotage.