…i get his correspondence via email…
…i get his correspondence via email…
…i should clarify: upgrades from windows 7/8 were free…
…windows 10 was free to a lot of people; it’s a pretty solid OS and i’d be happy to pay a fair price for ongoing support…
…here’s the thing most folks don’t realise: as a metropolitan area, austin skews far more conservative than san antonio…
(we actually meet in the basement of the alamo)
As a European, the whole registering to vote thing is honestly one of the wildest parts of the US elections to me. It’s so unnecessary complicated and prone to errors/manipulation.
…what the electorate consider a bug the politicians consider a feature…
…seriously, the guy’s out there trying to build clean energy and transportation infrastructure but optimus keeps showing up with his gang of hooligans just to f*ck sh*t up…
…nobody would follow an uncharismatic bore like you!..
…robotech, seaquest, and firefly…
…ah, i may be conflating contextal menus with opening new tabs, since that’s the primary UI mode i use to do so: regardless, any kind of shenanigans which aim to disable application-level UI get under my skin…
…and now you’ve hit upon my other peeve: (mostly shopping) sites coded to disable browsing links in a new tab…
…i don’t doubt it: when i left the bay area for cheaper lands twenty years ago, 650sf apartments were going for $1600 and i’m sure prices have only inflated since…my data points are all the cheap minima on my housing curve over the past three four decades…
edit: …f*ck, i forgot how old i am; it happens on the north end of the century mark…
…well there’s always rice-and-beans but with the way finance, insurance, and real estate are going these days you’ll need rice-and-beans just to survive, not to save up…
…in `98 i was paying $500 to rent a 650sf one-bedroom apartment at $30k salary; in 2008 i was paying $750 to rent a 650sf one-bedroom apartment at $45k salary; in 2018 i was paying $1250 mortgage on a 1500sf house at $85k salary: today i pay that same $1250 mortage at $105k salary and thank god i managed to save that down payment within twenty years, before the real estate speculators completely overran my local market…
…not sure what that illustrates other than 2024 is brutally expensive relative to pay: we bought three nectarines last night for six dollars at the local discount grocer, which would have cost less than a dollar thirty years ago…
…since 2001…
…i’m surprised to see DHL rank so highly in that list: what’s their domestic market focus, business-to-business freight logistics?..i seldom see DHL packages and when i do they’re almost exclusively of international origin…
…every time you link to xitter, elon drowns a puppy…
…that’s, like, thirteen…
…if you don’t want to be called a facist, maybe stop being such a f*cking fascist, fascist…
…know what they called people who supported the nazi party despite disagreeing with some of its policies?..nazis…