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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Periodic office hours are tremendously helpful as well.

    Block an hour, once or twice a week, for people to come by an ask you (and your team) about literally anything they want. And open it to everyone at your organization. Have your team stop answering one-off questions and tell people to bring it to office hours.

    Team leads and tpms should help with logistics, messaging and hand-slapping.

  • Crunchberries are a part of an American sugary cereal, Cap’n Crunch. They are colorful crunchy balls that were originally introduced to add color and differentiation to the uniform yellows base cereal mix, but became so popular upon release that a new cereal was introduced called Oops All Crunchberries that left out the original yellowy cereal all together.

    My point is that Discovery’s essence as a show is that it can’t be nailed down to one central concept. Every major arc is the sort of thing one might have built an entire show around, but Disco won’t be bothered to stick to one, so it just says “screw it, let’s do them all!”. It wants to be all over the map - that is the show working by design. It’s an interesting idea, and not one I would begrudge older Trek fans for disliking, but it did confuse the shit out of me along the way before I figured this out.

  • Read the article.

    Machine learning and interpretative output are tools; just like the automobile, the spreadsheet and photoshop.

    The introduction of new tools means there will be fewer people manually doing the things that machines can do more efficiently. The introduction of digital spreadsheets decimated the market for paper bookkeepers, but the need for accountants (people who could utilize the new tools) exploded.

    I don’t know enough about modern animation production to speak authoritatively about this, but I’m imagining Katzenberg is talking about jobs like inbetweeners and other kinds of admittedly skilled labor that can be lazily farted out by machines. No QA for lazy productions, QA and varying levels of tweaks for high production value work, and all-by-hand for only the most rare auteur works. And most animated works are in that “lazy production” category. It’s gonna look like shit, everyone who cares will notice, but most of the people buying won’t care.

    What this also means is that money will stop flowing to high-manual-effort works. The real creative, ground breaking stuff is going to come from either people utilizing the new tools in new ways, or old established artists who refuse to change (Miyazaki, Bill Plympton, Yuri Norstein & Francheska Yarbusova, etc).