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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • It’s not even about what we want, but what the stakeholders and decision-makers push for in order to rack in more profits.

    The gaming industry was at its highest in terms of fun and variability and innovation when the industry was still figuring out best ways to make mad money, no matter how ethical or morally bankrupt - now they know they can use fear of missing out and predatory tactics to lure people into essentially gambling in a free-to-play online game, or pad out a singleplayer one with mechanics that contribute nothing to the gameplay, but manage to fool game journalists (the ones that weren’t already paid) into praising the game for its deep and branching loops, attracting more investor money or something.

    A lot of people accuse us gamers of being a whiny crowd that cares too much and doesn’t like to have fun, but I guess yeah, we do care a little too much and that’s why so many of us try to actively influence the industry to go into a better direction when we vote with our wallets or write reviews or discuss games and practices in ways that can be hopefully seen by the industry’s decision-makers.

    Not to say there isn’t just as many (if not more) gamers that don’t care enough and still pour money into games and practices that are ultimately making the industry worse, only to make the stakeholders and CEOs wealthier.

  • I feel like it’s unlikely to happen regardless of the userbase. Fediverse as a whole seems to have been built on different merits and it’s curated by the large corporations, so they won’t be coming here with their algorithms and ad-revenue and thirst for profits and engagement.

    The biggest difference between Fediverse and the old-school internet websites, like forums and blogs and such, is that Fediverse is relatively easily intertwined; it’s an ecosystem that consists of autonomous small-ish communities that get to choose whether and what they share. If you want, you can basically make one account, subscribe to as much shit from the Fediverse as you like, and have it all come to your curated feed (defederation happens, though) - or you can treat it all as separate platforms and have one account for each, with occasional guests hopping by (like you’re with d.gs and I’m with feddit.de).

    Even if there are platforms that later use the same protocols to try and get some profits, they’ll most likely be out of everyone’s memory much like Threads (remember that?) because it’s just not the same as creating some kind of “everything platform” and have people walled off there to “engage” with rage-inducing content and have them (hopefully) generate ad revenue.

  • That’s the point - you have the expertise to make proper sense of whatever it outputs. The people pushing for “AI” the most want to rely on it without any necessary expertise or just minimal efforts, like feeding it some of your financial reports and have generate a 5-year strategy only to fail miserably and have no one to blame this time (will still blame anyone else but themselves btw).

    It’s not the most useless tool in the world by any means, but the mainstream talk is completely out of touch with reality on the matter, and so are mainstream actions (i.e. overrelying on it and putting way too much faith into it).