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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • orbitz@lemmy.catoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWorst is UTC vs GMT
    1 day ago

    Not if the place doesn’t do daylight savings time, and not all places in a timezone will do that (least in North America) so you need extra code if they do or do not. It becomes a pain after awhile when you do it in multiple projects. Technically one extra setting but it’s still a pain to make sure it’s handle properly in all cases, especially when the previous programmer decided to handle it for each case individually, but that’s a different issue.

    Also when you deal with the times, say in .Net you gotta make sure it’s the proper kind of date otherwise it decides it’s a local system date and will change it to system local when run. Sure it’s all handled but there are many easy mistakes to make when working with time.

    I probably didn’t even get to the real reason, I sort of picked this up on my own.

  • To each their own on BG3, I used to play number of tabletop RPG games (many years ago now but a variety) and to me BG3 gives you enough options to feel like you can play as your character rather than just walk between combats, as well as avariety of ways to solve issues. Watching YouTube plays amazes me on the says other people solve the issue. I also used to play the old DnD PC games and it feels much better from my perspective, so that’s probably sways me.

    I can see your view but to me BG3 is more intended as a single player game, especially with the companion interactions, so I can see why multiplayer would be lacking. Thankfully I haven’t had many bugs but have heard of them. For reference I have about 120 hours after trying beta a few goes and only a bit in act 2 so it’s a favorite of mine and am biased.

    Thank you for the recommendation on the mod, I will definitely give that a try and see how the game plays. I keep meaning to reinstall anyways and new mods always give more incentive.

  • You know this isn’t comparable to an aRPG I hope. It’s more comparable to DnD on a computer, so a cRPG. They really have minimal in common besides leveling up and finding gear, though aRPGs make you grind for gear, a cRPG will let you find it through various means. It’s a story game more than killing things game, some of the best outcomes happen when you don’t kill. I don’t play on PlayStation so can’t comment on the bugs but haven’t found many in my many hours on PC even through beta.

  • I had no idea the hate for this song when I first watched it around 2010, maybe saw episodes earlier but not a real watch. It wasn’t my jam but I thought it fit the theme well of humanity taking their first real leap into space exploration. Like it tied our older style with a classic sounding folk/light rock song sort of thing, before original and TNG. I was am into electronic music but know it wasn’t most people’s thing so their theme worked for the ‘first’ theme compared to a more musical score at the time, least in my mind trying to like the tune.

    Also I’m pretty sure I preferred the first one over the others but it’s been so long I can’t recall for sure. It does get stuck in your head after watching enough for sure.