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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • Multiple people are calling out that the mine planet wasn’t at 80% liberation while the child planet was at 45% - are you sure you didn’t check another planet by accident, or otherwise mix up your numbers?

    If you just take a look at the memes the community made you’ll see that they’re all focused on Helldivers saving the kids, which is further evidence that you might’ve gotten the numbers wrong.

    EDIT: I haven’t used this website before, but this dashboard shows that marfark was at 0% liberation until yesterday. I’m pretty sure you’ve gotten your numbers wrong initially. I think when you checked and the planet had 74k players, the liberation had RISEN to 39%, which is supported by the dashboard plot of marfarks liberationb& the timestamp of 2024-06-15T02:45:04Z shows 76k active players and around 40% liberation, steadily rising up from 0 before.

  • I’m actually in the opposite boat, the current leaks paint the weapons in a mediocre light, and the armors are uninspired. However they’ve shown that they have no qualms about buffing up previously useless weapons, like the blitzer, fire breaker, and scythe, so that gives me a reason to consider the war bond.