• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Let me guess. These are the same people who refuse vaccines with miniscule mortality rates, but are demanding milk infected with a virus that has more than a 50% mortality rate in humans? 🤔

    Also, how is intentional getting infected to aquire immunity better than doing nothing at all? I mean, just don’t worry about it. If you get infected then you’re either dead or immune, and if you don’t get infected you didn’t need that immunity anyway. Plus, you’ve saved money by not buying your weirdo raw cow juice.

  • I used to have a bean to cup machine and this is basically the only way I could do it with a single hopper. I didn’t weigh it. I just used a scoop and got it down so I could eyeball the amount of beans per serving. It’s not too onerous. The thing to keep in mind is that most of these machines use a timer to dose the beans, so it’s not by weight. It also varies by beans, roast etc. Some beans will take longer to grinder than others. Finally I’d always aim to put slightly less beans in the hopper than the machines timer called for, to make sure there wouldn’t be any left for the next cup.

  • The book is originally from the 80s, and if I remember correctly part of the conceit is that none of the family know what this strange “avocado pear” is (because in Britain of the 1980s no-one did). I don’t think the financial ramifications are really discussed, and the family keep feeding the little blighter avocados until he gets strong enough to beat up a burglar or something.