Three felonies a day is 15 years old and only more true than ever.
Three felonies a day is 15 years old and only more true than ever.
The difference is the government exists to step in and punish scammers, and regulates markets to prevent many scams for being possible.
That’s a similar but different concept. Blockchain adds a way to determine consensus of the correct tree. While git is distributed, it’s generally not trustless, there’s generally a trusted version of the repository.
Blockchain wouldn’t have mattered for 2008, at least not the crash parts. Blockchain would help with who owned which loans which was also an issue. It wouldn’t do anything for the crash parts as that was bad lending fundamentals of no verified income or unrealistic appraisal.
Blockchain scams are evidence of it’s unreadiness and naivety. Crypto has speed ran the last 200-300 years of financial fraud. Pump and dumps, ponzi schemes, front running, market manipulation, rug pulls, and more.the fact the only viable use case is crime is also pretty telling, anyone that can safely involve a government entity would rather do that.
Blockchain is a solution in search of a problem. A way to establish trust while not trusting any party is a cool concept, but in the real world it’s far easier to establish a source of trust.
I don’t understand the love for white devices. Thanks to everyone paying a premium price for an inferior color.
Eyes are awful. There’s always a stray hair full of paint. The brush is either too empty to leave a mark or has enough paint to flood the whole face.
I really hope that guy isn’t allowed to bet on games.
Is it not possible to just run in a circle endlessly in the game?
What’s more iconic than Mordor?
I think the problem is that they use the same open world formula that they started, but others have taken and improved it and they haven’t kept up with the times. Shadow of Mordor/war scratch the same itsch as assassin’s creed with more interesting mechanics. Those aren’t even new games at this point. Horizon zero dawn and forbidden West offer a more action focused experience with a better open world, again not super modern games.
It’s like Bethesda, they are still putting out games that are straight from 2010.
This is one of the best free mobile games there is.
That would just cause legit Linux players to generate negativity by always being stuck with cheaters. It’s way easier to just remove support if it really is most of your cheating problems for such a small player base.
It could be a way of hedging. They want all games released everywhere at once, but aren’t willing to commit to that.
Year of the Linux desktop is nigh.
Once you’re married it’s our milk anyway.
You should have a nest egg by then that even in a crash, a year of withdrawal isn’t significant
You don’t have to choose, just keep saving and investing for 30 years.
Lots of people just hate stylized graphics. I don’t really understand the hate, as they tend to be more timeless than more realistic styles. Also it’s a weird statement from someone representing a franchise with multiple stylized aliens.
But think of your sense of accomplishment in getting the legendary ending.