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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • They still buy full games though, using old as seats to make new content for an “old” game is a great way to have more income come in. Most would probably prefer to make a new game, but that takes longer as well.

    So if it’s a dlc a year at $15 for 4 years, or a game every 4 years for $60… what’s the difference in the end? Other than what you think is going on inside your head? It’s the same content, same price, same everything, you just get content yearly instead of every 4 years. Bonus for everyone since they can than use that money after the first year to maybe make the other better.

  • People had different issues with those, that was because online was a portion of it, and people thought devs were holding content back just to make more money. Obviously some did that, but they started painting every dev with that brush and they needed to adjust to save their bottom line from being affected.

    Every change has been a reactionary effort to adjust for the market changes and people suddenly not wanting what they just wanted a few years ago, and using it to their marketing advantage. Of course not everyone is going to be happy, it’s just funny that certain devs get defended for doing what everyone else does since their marketing gets eating up.

  • The outcome of splitting the content is that there are a lot of people who want to have everything and they will end up paying far more for a la carte than for an expansion

    So if they want the content, they can support the devs so they make more.

    The people who wouldn’t have bought the expansion still buy nothing, and pretty much nobody just buys a couple of things to save money.

    So no lose there, but they could buy an outfit if they liked it and want to support the dev.

    …… that’s actually the majority of gamers…… 2% of the player base accounts for most of the purchases, that means the other 98% is still buying stuff, just not everything. So that’s not even remotely close to reality, most people pick and choose the content, which is literally why this because a thing, because the market wanted it….

  • Actually you pointed out that you missed the point of my comment since you assumed it was about the US freedom of speech, when they aren’t even the original. I even provided a link to an article, and you had to search so far down for a small blurb on the USA, while ignoring the wall of text that says it’s not a USA thing, nor even started there………………

    So yes ignoring my facts while pushing your own wildly incorrect ones is in fact an attack on someone’s character.

    I’m using two fuckings to show just how asinine your argument is, fucking lmfao. It’s called redundancy, I’m making sure my point got across since you intentionally ignored my first one and inputted your own massively I incorrect one.

    You’re nothing but a troll trying to derail a conversation, so maybe look in a mirror before calling others out, fucking lmfao.