Good,let them go. They have all their wealth offshore and barely pay tax. They are the real scroungers and parasites.
This is exellent advice.Write the number of a solicitor on your arm. Because if you are arrested and searched,they will often hold on to your bags and things found in pockets,so having the number written on your arm can help a lot.
Thank you for all that extra info.
Swiss Cow is down as well it sees.
deleted by creator
Just use a VPN , ProtonMail have a VPN and the basic level is free and works very well at getting around geo locked sites. I use Mullvad, another VPN that is affordable at £5 a month.
We could not afford to keep him. We got so attached to him and his littermates.His mum had them secretly under a hedge and tuned up with them at the back door. They were pretty feral to start with. But not Kevin, he just marched in behind his mum,found the food and sofa and behaved as if he was born to it. It took us weeks to tame the others, but eventually they were ready to be homed. They are spaced across all our neighbours and Kevin often waits on the garden wall for his mum to come out. I miss them, but the money paid for his mum to be fixed, vaccinated and has a better life now. Sometimes love means letting them go.
There are browser extensions that let you bypass paywalls or you can read an archived version. there are more tips here :
Thank you for your explanation.