Seriously u/pixelscript that’s a really good explanation and I hope it’s right. My understanding of infinities is pretty limited but I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Seriously u/pixelscript that’s a really good explanation and I hope it’s right. My understanding of infinities is pretty limited but I’d like to subscribe to your newsletter.
“I’m a legit snack” - Nyota Uhura
“Shatner figured it out? Shatner? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.”
In all fairness to Ransom, maybe he was thinking of the spider cows from S01E01?
You lucky So-and-So! It’s a heap of fun!
Ha! Jokes on Janeway, I’m in to that shit.
Honestly I love how much Kate Mulgrew grew in to the character. Janeway is such an interesting character and she turned in a really complex and interesting performance.
Plus Hologram Janeway is so much fun.
I’m feeling personally attacked here! I come down on the Boimler side here I think, and I’d hate to argue with Beckett but she’s wrong.
All Star Treks are awesome in their own way and there all my Favourite. I can’t and I won’t be made to pick a series.
Those Old Scientists era is where it all starts and nobody tackles those great social issues like they did.
The Animated Series is so forking batshirt crazy and fun. And they brought us my bois, the Kizinti!
The original cast movies brought Trek back from the repeats. Yes even numbers are better but five got me to ask “Why does god need a starship”
The Next Generation really kicked it in to high gear and expanded the universe.
DS9 - I wouldn’t recommend any long story format higher.
Voyager - if I didn’t love Voyager Janeway would kick my ass.
The TNG movies had some kick ass action and amazing space battles.
Enterprise really explored the beginnings and had a lot of fun filling in the niches and contradictions.
I could keep going on and on but it’s late and I’ll leave you with how I alway feel about Trek series. My favourite one is one that I’m watching right now
I really love the way SNW is filling in that transition period where Kirk’s this hard driving, blue flame, academy nerd, who’s out be youngest captain ever, but he’s also deeply head over heals in love with Carol. And how it becomes obvious that when Carol breaks his heart soon he’s going start acting out and pretending he’s some kind of slut during the TOS period. But we all know he’s just crying inside because the love of his life has dumped him.
Honestly? “Make it purr, not number one”
Joyous Holidays and I hope y’all have a happy new year!
Thanks again for doing this giveaway it’s always a hoot.
I’d like to throw my hat in for Miles Morales if I could. I really like the Spider-Man series even if my graphics card hates me for playing it.
And for my Happy Thought: If you’re one of the people who still hasn’t seen the new Spider-Verse movie, oh you’re gonna have a great time watching it.
Thank everybody
I have to say this one is my favourite so far.
I’ve got to second this recommendation. I’ve been using Kodi for almost 12 years and I really love its tracking. And it’s got a heap of other features as well.
• Worf hugged Alexander in “Reunion”
I simply refuse to believe this. There is no way Worf could have acknowledged Alexander’s existence long enough to hug him. But maybe this says something about my own upbringing that I rather not look at.
Control? I was just thinking that was a sweet Baltaro Mod.