17 hours agodo you use a WSL? do u think it would be fine doing it in windows command line like terminal or powershell?
do you use a WSL? do u think it would be fine doing it in windows command line like terminal or powershell?
why are u getting downvoted if this is true i dont want to use EZTV either, ill just stick to 1337x out of these
good point, i did not know that you could change the configuration file instead of adding all the -cookies and -mp3 tags to the yt-dlp url … command
isn’t that just a copy of fmhy? or was it actually made by the reddit mods of r/piracy?
i also found this resource https://github.com/Igglybuff/awesome-piracy just now
Edit: this is the newest version of that resource https://shakil-shahadat.github.io/awesome-piracy/
do you use a WSL or powershell? windows terminal is inferior to linux terminal imo
Until you pointed this out I never realized that windows terminal and command prompt are entirely different applications lol