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“Consumeth thou mine shortened legwear.” - Bartholomew, Son of Simp

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • There really are people who don’t give me time to react to the light change. I drive a manual. It takes time to clutch in, first gear, brake out, throttle in, clutch out. And don’t get me started on inclines.

    I sometimes have to go straight through a specific light (where 95% of traffic goes right) to get home. So I’m first in line waiting at the red. No turn signal because I’m crossing the road. A woman in an SUV sitting behind me gives a little honk. Then a few seconds pass and she starts laying on her horn. I had to reach up and out of my sunroof and point straight ahead to tell her I am going straight. Stopped honking after that.

    Oh and turning right on red is fucking optional.

    Some people.

  • My thing is I’ve got years of experience in Linux. I began using Ubuntu in 2012 because my laptop’s hard disk failed, the sticker with my product key had worn away, and I wasn’t paying $100 for another copy of Windows 7.

    I’ve only been noncommittal about it this this long because of my Steam library. But with the Steam Deck and Proton being so damn good, and all my games working just as well on Linux as they did in Windows (many times, better), I just stopped using Windows altogether.

    So there I was, staring at GNOME Disks for a couple hours. Knowing that like a bad relationship that was doing something for me, but also hurting me, it was best to break things off. And then I nuked that bitch lol

  • I’m under no illusion Ubuntu is perfect. But I PAID for my Windows licenses. And if I paid, I don’t want to see ads. I don’t care about Win 8’s penetrative pricing model or the $25 coupon. I don’t care that I paid for my licenses 10+ years ago. Don’t sell me ads on a product I paid for. And Windows serves up ads all the god damned time now. If there’s anything good to be said about Windows 8, it’s that it didn’t take every opportunity to sell me an Office 365 subscription ever second breath I took. I don’t actually remember the last time I saw an ad in Ubuntu, and I’ve been using it to varying degrees since 2011. I think we can at least agree Canonical is better than Microsoft, yeah?

    All that said, I’ve had thoughts of switching to plain old Debian, especially now that I’d consider myself much more experienced and comfortable in Linux. But if I were recommending a distro to a new user, I am one million percent telling them Ubuntu or Mint, depending on how they feel about the Windows UI.

  • The PSP legitimately rocked. It had several great exclusives and a large backlog of compatible PS1 games. I actually ran hacked firmware on mine and dabbled a little into homebrew. Mostly to run (you guessed it) emulators. Given all of the buttons are the same, the PSP is an excellent portable SNES emulator.

    That and it blew the graphical capabilities of the DS out of the water. I always thought the touchscreen was a stupid gimmick, but it did allow for some interesting gameplay. But the PSP was just leaps and bounds ahead in terms of power.

  • Oh I lived it too. We were still using 1.4 MB floppy disks for school projects in '04. I think the computer class teacher finally started asking people to use flash drives in '06 or '07. I was walking around with a whole two gigs (wow!) in my pocket. I felt like a god. When we went to flash drives, we all started sharing the music we downloaded from Kazaa and Limewire with each other because now the required kit for computer class had the headroom to allow that. Many of us still lugged around CD players if we didn’t have iPods but the flash drives made burning mixes for each other so much easier.

    Another kid in a class below me got HEAVY into emulators. So he started telling us how to download ROMs and we’d all be playing Turok and Ocarina and Pokemon on the school computers. Being a teenager in the late 00s was a riot.

    Now, my Nintendo Switch has a memory card that’s smaller than my pinky nail, and it holds 200 times the capacity of those chap stick size flash drives. It’s wild. I remember being amazed at the PSP in its day, thinking surely it doesn’t get much better than that. I really appreciate how amazing the Switch and Steam Deck are, even if Tears of the Kingdom makes the poor little guy crap itself.

    Anyway, I’ll wrap up this wall of text because it reeks of millennial. But it’s really cool that there’s still support for old tech like this…even if it’s too pricey for someone who isn’t neck deep into it to consider it lol